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Copingers Court. Described in Part 1.
Carrigtwo-hill in the County of Cork. Here is a burial ground commonly known as the burial ground of the Copingers.
Coppingers Town Castle, near Middleton, in the County of Cork. A very small portion only of the ruined Castle is now standing, and nothing is known of its origin. The town is of very small extent, and inhabited only by the poorest of the poor. The Town and Castle and adjoining property belong to Lord Midleton. At Coppinger's town, a marl of a blue and white kind, in great abundance was formerly found. At a very early date there is an inquisition upon William McShane, Cotter, of Bally Copinor, and in 1641, April 8, in an inquisition taken at the King's Old Castle, on James Barry, of Lislee, among the jurors appears "Walter Cotter de Coppingerstowne."
Ballyvolane, near Cork. This is the old ancestral residence of one branch of the Coppingers. Ballyvolane, though broken up into building lots, preserves some of the features of a demesne in bits of old walls, and groups, and hedgerows of old trees. An ancient straight avenue, planted with small leaved elms, of great age, leads to the farmhouse, which is now Ballyvolane. The front is modern looking, though the low rooms and small narrow windows indicate age. The house was originally much larger, and sixty or seventy years back was used as a boarding school, and part of the front house was taken down as dangerous after the school was shut up. At the back, however, there are three irregular gables. The centre one higher, which seems of great age. They are quaintly roofed with very small thick slates, but the windows are comparatively modern. One of the fields is called the Bathing House Field, and a pretty stream runs through it, which, it is said one of the Coppinger ladies diverted long ago to fill a bath in a little house for bathing. The dwelling‑house is on a height directly opposite the New Barracks. It is said that Cromwell planted his guns opposite the hall door facing the height above the town.
Rincoolisky. The Castle of Rincoolisky, Whitehall, County Cork, formerly belonged to the Coppingers, but it was originally built by the O'Driscolls.
Barryscourt, near Cork. Half a mile to the south of Carrigtuohill, is the fine old Castle of Barry's Court, which gave the title of Baron to the Earls of Barrymore. It was taken by Lord Inchiquin, 7th May, 1645, by quarter. See letter of Whetcombe to his brother, from Kinsale, 17th May, 1645, given in the Corporation Book of Youghal, by Dr. Caulfield.
The castle is a noble ruin - and not altogether a ruin - for it is well roofed in, and used as a barn and granary. It is a quadrangular structure, of the fourteenth century, about seventy feet high, and has three towers communicating at each storey with the principal apartments. There is a tradition that Barry's Court was erected on a more ancient structure belonging to the Lyons or Lehanes of Castle Lyons, and that in removing the rubbish to lay the foundation of the Norman structure, a stone was found with this inscription, "O Lehan hoc fecit MCIII." Dr. O'Donovan does not "believe a word about the inscription."
The arches of the old castle are beautifully turned. The marks of the chisel on the cut stone around the doors and windows are, in appearance, quite fresh. It is said that Giraldus Cambrensis penned a portion of his account of the Irish Norman conquest in this castle, but it was probably in a former structure, perhaps on this site. The Norman castles of Carrigaline and Ahamartha, on the Carrigaline river, bear the marks of far greater age. Over the chimney‑piece of the apartment above the chapel (for there is a chapel in the castle of Barry's Court) are inscribed:- A.D.OL 1588, I.H.S. D.B. ET. E.R. ME. EI. E.R. I. FECERVT. "David Barry and Eliza Roche caused me to be erected." In another apartment is "A.D., 1596."[1] This castle was long possessed by the Coppingers, and the late William Coppinger died in a house adjoining the ruin in 1863. This house, known as the Old Manor House at Barry's Court, being in a dangerous condition has been unroofed. The upper portion of the front wall, the floors, and staircase have been removed, and the ivied gables and a portion of the walls have been repaired and preserved. The fine wainscotting of the parlour and drawing room, and the blue and white Dutch tiles inside the mantel-pieces have long since vanished, but the skeleton of the quaint and gloomy old house, which sheltered four generations, has been preserved.
Castle Saffron, so called from the large quantities of it formerly planted here, is about a mile east of Doneraile. It was boldly erected on the banks of the river, and it is said to have been first built by the Coppingers.
Smith's Cork, vol. i. p. 335.
Allhallows Place, adjoining the Church of Allhallows, Kent, was formerly a seat of good account, and was bought of the Pimpes by the Copingers. Nashes in Suddenham, Kent, formerly belonged to the Copingers. Ambrose Copinger had it temp. Queen Elizabeth; from them it passed to the Brewsters. The Davington Hall Estate, Kent, was alienated by the heirs of Ralph Symmonds, temp. Queen Elizabeth, to --- Copinger, whose son temp. James I. having mortgaged it, it was sold.
Buxhall, a village in the Hundred of Stow, Co. Suffolk, 3 1/2 miles west by south-west from Stowmarket Station, 84 miles from London. It is in the western division of the county, and in the Diocese of Norwich. The parish contains 2,523A. 1R. 25P. of land, and the rateable value is £3,991. 15s. 6d. In 1871 it had a population of 488, and in 1881 of 476. It lies in four Manors, Buxhall, Cockerells Hall, Fen Hall, and Liffey Hall.
Willelmus le Esturmi tenet feoda ij milit' in Buckeshal' et in Ykene unde antecessores sui solebant facere servitium iij Milit' sed H. Rex pat' Domini Reg' condonavit servic' unius Milit' pro quadam piscar' in Oreford' quam Dominus Rex manu sua tenet.[2]
Feoda de honore de Lancastr'.
Rogerus le Esturmi de Ikene unum feod' milit' in Ikene de eodem honore tenet.
Item Rogerus tenet unum feod' in Bukeshal' de eodem honore.[3]Rot. Pip. de Ao 9 Hen. III. Scutagium de Montgomery, assess. ad ij marc. Will Esturmi de let. iiij marc de ij feod' que recognovit, et ij marc. de j. f. que non recognovit que tria feoda sunt in Botehall et Ikene in Suff'.[4]
Ao. Henry III. n. 23.
Roger Esturmy, Buxhall Manor.[5]
Ex. Ao 1 Ed. III. n. 88.
Thomas Comes de Lancastr'.
Feoda militum dicti comitis.
Iken et Buckshalle 2 feod' pro Wm. Sturmyn.[6]
The Parish of Buxhall, which includes the four Manors above‑mentioned, was the estate of Richard Weyland, Roger sturmy, Robert Cockrell, and John Tendring, 9 Edward I. Sturmy was Lord of Buxhall Manor, Cockrell of Cockrells Hall,[7] and the other two, Weyland and Tendring, of Fen Hall and Liffey Hall. Subsequently a large portion of the parish became the property of Bartholomew, Lord Bergersh, who 23, Edward III. obtained a charter of Fee-Warren to himself and Cicely his wife, and their heirs, in all his desmesne lands in this place, and divers others in this County and Norfolk. He left it so privileged to his daughter and heir Elizabeth, wife of Edward de Spencer.[8] He was not at any time seised of the Manor of Buxhall itself.[9]
In the Doomsday Book, Buxhall is said to be three miles long and two miles broad, and in it 40 freeholders, 3 slaves, 19 cottages, 3 farmers, 2 bondsmaids, 41 acres of meadow, 815 acres arable, 107 acres doubtful, 15 ploughs of oxen, 1 wood cutter, half a mill, 57 hogs, 94 sheep, 11 she goats, 2 men oxen; and the Church of Buxhall is stated to be endowed with 30 acres of land. The population of Buxhall in 1066 Doomsday census was 200. The sum paid in Saxon times by the Hundred of Stow to protect themselves against the Danes amounted (in value) to £52. 15s. 6d., of which Buxhall contributed £6. 5s.[10]
Buxhall is called in the Doomsday Book, Bukessalla-buresalla, which signifies, the hall of flagons, most probably so called from its hospitable owner.
Sir William Esturmy was High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, in 1210 and 1214, and his great grandson, William, in 1267, together with William, son of Robert Sturmy, of Stratton, in Norfolk levied a fine by which four virgates of land, and the advowson of Buxhall, and many quit rents, &c., in Southborne, Butle, Orford, Wanesdene, Tunstale, Blackeshall, Helmele, Fynesbrigg, Lilleseye, Dunwick, and Cassenhall, were settled on William, son of Roger, and great grandson of Sir William, the High Sheriff.[11] In 1316 (9 Edward II.) another Roger Sturmy seems to have been seised of the manor, and to have had a son, Sir William Esturmy, but whether this Sir William was the son of Roger and grandson of his namesake, or the son of his namesake, as stated in the Pedigree, is a matter of doubt. Certain it is, however, that the last named Sir William was Lord of Buxhall in 1328, and died about 1367 leaving one daughter, Rhosia, his heiress, who married William Clement of Stow, Esquire. And here a singular chain of descendants begins. William Clement had a sole daughter and heiress Emma, married to John cakestreet, and she had an only daughter, Alice, married to John Sorrell, and she had but one daughter, married to John Copinger, whose son William was probably presented by his mother to the living of Buxhall, in 1416,[12] and became on the death of his parents, Lord of the Manor, in 1428. Thenceforth, for more than 200 years, the advowson and manor remained in the Copinger family.
William Copynger, parson and Rector, devised Buxhall Hall, with the advowson of the living, to his brother John Copynger, for his life, and after his decease, to William, his son. In 1457, however, they were no longer living, and John Howard, being then Rector, he, by his will, dated May 5, and proved 20 June, 1457, directed his body to be buried in the chancel of Stow Church, "at the entrance into the choir there." In 1477, another change occurred in the living, and John Powlyn, then incumbent, exchanged it with Thomas Draper, for the Mastership of the College at Attleburgh. It is stated in Blomfield's History of Norfolk,[13] that "Sir Robert Houghton, Knt., Serjeant-at-Law, and one of the Justices of the King's Bench, died seised of the Manors of Buxhall, &c., and their letes, leaving Francis, his son and heir, thirty years old, who died in 1629, leaving Robert, his son and heir, six years old, who inherited the said manor." But this would be a mistake. Houghton never had anything to do with this manor, and certainly was not seised of it at any time during the seventeenth century. It is probably intended for the Manor of Liffey Hall, a manor in the parish of Buxhall.
The Church of Buxhall (St. Mary) is an ancient structure, and the living is a rectory valued in the King's Book at £20. 0s. 5d., and now having a yearly rent charge of £680 in lieu of tithes and a residence. In the year 1340 an inquisition was made by special commission throughout the kingdom, for the purpose of gathering a subsidy or tax granted by the Parliament in aid of King Edward III. and the expensive wars in Scotland and France. This tax was called a ninth of all that each parish produced from its lands, and of all goods and chattels which each man posessed, except the mere husbandman or labourer, for these last as the poor were exempt from all taxation. The valuation was made on the clergy in Suffolk by five commissioners. The curious rolls which estimated the value of all the livings and collected tax from the clergy have been preserved, and published by the Government, entitled Inquisitiones Nonarum.
"Buxhall. - Corn, wool, lambs. 60 acres, annual value 30s. 6d. per acre; 4 acres arable, annual value 16s.; 2 acres of meadow, annual value 4s.; hay tithes, 20s.; tithe of hemp and flax, 20s. per annum; offerings and small tithes belonging to the altar, wools and lambs and other offerings which amount to yearly 6 marks 6s. 10d., and this is testified by the oaths of Robt. Cokere, John le Spense, Rob. Str'e Rich. de Leleseye, of the same place."[14] In 1603 there was an examination of the diocese, and the following is the finding as to Buxhall:‑ "Buxhall, Mr. George Dickenson. The number of communicants, 3. No recusant of any sorte. It is a parsonage presentative, he hath no other. No such theare (i.e., vicarages, &c.) Mr. Henry Copinger, minister, patron."[15]
The church is a very ancient edifice, built principally of flint. It consists of chancel, nave, and massive square tower, supported by butresses. It contains several monument slabs to the Copinger and Hill families. The register dates from the year 1558.
The following description of the church at Buxhall is taken from the Davy MSS. They were notes made in 1826 and 1827.
Square steeple, broad at the bottom, and quite a strong clumsy building, five bells, clock with a dial into church, church,chancell, south porch and north vestry leaded, church roof much lower than when built. Two holy water stones, side chancel, and two broken niches where the three seats were. The church pewed uniformly, and nearly paved with brick. The church is battlemented with brick, and the chancel with free stone. Two stone pinnacles in the chancel. There is an ancient cross between the two pinnacles. A pewter flaggon, small cup, paten, and salver of silver. Two lofty steps to the front. A good parsonage adjoining to the churchyard. The church is forty-four feet nine inches long by twenty feet six inches wide. The communion table is raised two steps, and raised round about it on four low pannels are the Lord's Prayer, Belief, and Commandments. In the South wall, near the east end, is a double piscina.[16]
On the west side of the three arches there were, no doubt, stalls continued across the adjoining window for the officiating priests; part of one of the arches still remains. The east window is large, but appears modern. In the first window from the end in the south side is a coat of arms much broken and patched, which seem to have been
Copinger, on a fesse arg., three plates.
In this window also remains part of an inscription. In the next window to the west is another coat which has also been broken and patched, but which was in all probability: Gu. three cocks or., probably intended for Cockfield. In the other windows are some fragments of painted glass. In the last window westward on the south side was a figure, now gone, but its place filled up with scraps, between two angels; and a part of another figure, probably intended for our Saviour, with a reed in his hand. Below are the remains of a legend,
nevo pilato
On the sides of the chancel are carved oak seats, in the front of which are the following arms, also carved:‑
South side. - 1. Arms of Copinger.
A bend engrailed (arms of Herries),
Three roses.
A fesse between three crescents.
North side. - 1. A fesse
between two chevrons.
A cross engrailed.
A voltire engrailed.
On the north side is a vestry. The nave is 60 feet 2 inches long and 29 feet 6 inches wide one step above the chancel. The pulpit stands against the north wall, hexagon, plain, with a large heavy sounding board. In the first window from the east on the north side is some painted glass, but much broken. The pews are uniform and neat. In the middle stands a large brazier. The font is placed near the west end, of stone, octagon, the faces are all alike. At the west end is a small gallery.
The present rector, the Rev. Henry Hill, has partially restored the church. The old-fashioned pews have disappeared and given place to handsome oaken benching, constructed of well-seasoned timber from the adjacent estate. The old pulpit has gone, and in its place is one constructed of oak, with panels traceried in accordance with the west window. In the chancel choir stalls have been erected on either side, and some remains of the old oaken benching, nearly black with age, and greatly mutilated by its adaption to the requirements of the pews now abolished, have been utilised in this work. The fronts of the choir desks on the south side have thus been preserved, and they are interesting examples, the tracery of the panels being adorned with shields bearing the arms of Copingers and families with whom they were allied. Great taste has been displayed in the work of restoration, and everything capable of restoration and preservation has been scrupulously retained.
The presentations to the church were as follows:-
Henry Copinger, Esq., | presented, | 1569, Ambrose Copinger. |
Do. | " | 1570, Geo. Dickinson. |
Do. | " | 1619, Ambrose Copinger. |
William Copinger | " | 1644, Peter Devereux. |
Do | " | 1644, Thomas Copinger. |
Mary Copinger, wid. | " | 1662, William Copinger. |
Henry Copinger | " | 1685, William Copinger. |
Sarah Copinger | " | 1708, Geo. Watson. |
Do. | " | 1719, Thomas Hill. |
Sarah Hill, wid | " | 1743, Henry Hill. |
Do. | " | 1776, Henry Hill |
On his own petition | " | 1826, Charles Green. |
The Copingers were probably at Fasborne Hall, or Copinger Hall, as it is sometimes called, even before they were seised of the Manor of Buxhall. This edifice, or a portion of it, is still standing, and used as a farmhouse. It evidently was at one time a residence of some importance, and surrounded by a moat, a part of which is still in existence, and filled with water. Within the ground, enclosed by the moat, is amound of a similar description to that recently explored by the Berkshire Archĉological Society, and in which were discovered various Viking treasures, many of which will be found illustrated in The Graphic of 15th December, 1883. It is probable that if the mound at Fasborne were properly examined and excavated, some interesting relics might be brought to light. Fasborne Hall has never formed part of the Manor of Buxhall, but is mentioned in the Court Rolls of that manor, temp. Queen Mary, as "the tenement Fasbornes." It is also mentioned in the same Court Rolls, temp. Queen Elizabeth.
Lavenham, Lanham, or Laneham, is an ancient town in Suffolk, standing upon a branch of the River Brett, and pleasantly situated on the crown and declivity of an eminence. It is eleven miles from Bury St. Edmunds. Its parish contains 2,812A. 1R. 20P. of land, or as stated by some 2,887 acres. The rateable value is £6,788, and the population, in 1871, was 1,886. It is stated to have been one of the 221 lordships given by William the Conqueror to Robert Mallet, but he forfeited it by joining Robert, eldest son of the Conqueror, in the reign of Henry I., who gave it to Aubrey de Vere. The Priory of Colne, in Essex, was founded by this Aubrey de Vere and his wife, who were both buried there, as appears by the following inscription, copied from Weever's Ancient F.M.:
"Here lyeth Aulbery, the first Earl of Guines, sonne of Alphonsus de Veer, the whyche Aulbery was the founder of this place, and Bettye, hys syfe, syster of Kyng William the Conqueror."
It was sold by Edward, Earl of Oxford, in the reign of Elizabeth, to Paul D'Ewes, Esq., and subsequently passed to the Moores. The custom of Borough-English, prevails here. The church (SS. Peter and Paul) is one of the handsomest in the county, and was erected on the site of an ancient fabric of the fifteenth and early part of the sixteenth centuries. It is in the later style of English architecture, and is constructed of Casterton stone, intermixed with flint, and curiously ornamented with flint. Its extreme length is 180 feet, its breadth 68 feet. The tower, admirable both for strength and beauty, is 141 feet high, and 42 in diameter, and contains a melodious peal of eight bells,, of which the tenor weighs 23 cwt., and was cast in 1625. The church appears to have been built about the years 1480 and 1530, by the De Vere and Spring, the chapels being built about the begining of the sixteenth century, the north by Simon Brands, and the south by Thomas Spring: the chapels are separated from the church by wood screens of great beauty. In the interior the roof is richly carved, particularly the south chapel; and two pews formerly belonging to the Earls of Oxford and the Springs, though somewhat decayed, are highly finished pieces of Gothic work, in the elaborate style of Henry VII's Chapel at Westminster. The church has six bays, with a lofty clerestory, and contains many monuments and brasses. In the window are considerable remains of ancient stained glass; and the porch is of highly ornamented architecture, adorned with armorial bearings.
Mr. Tillotson, in the year 1594, found in the church very many coats of arms, of which the majority were either impaled or quartered with the Springs, D'Ewes, or Copingers.
The church was thoroughly restored and re-seated with open benches, in 1867, at a cost of £4,500, raised by subscriptions, when a new organ was presented by the Rector, who with other members of the family, has placed in the church four magnificent stained windows.
The benefice is a rectory valued in the King's Books at £20. 2. 11d., and in 1835 at £658, and now at £850, with residence, and 140 acres of glebe.
It belonged, in the 17th century, to Sir Symond D'Ewes, bart., by whom it was conveyed to Thomas Evans, of Bury, gent., and, in 1713, it was purchased by Caius College, Cambridge, to which it still belongs, for £710. 15s., from Thomas Evans and his wife. The deed of sale is dated the 3rd July, 1713. The present Rector is the Rev. Joseph Morrison Croker, M.A., late Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. To the parsonage belongs a Seignore or Manor, called "The Manor of the Rectory," unto which belong divers tenants. It is holden of the Manor of Lavenham.[17] The fees are arbitrary. There are 144 acres of glebe.
The tithes were commuted in 1842 for a yearly rent charge of £850, including the quota in the glebe, and subject to the parochial rates.
After the Copingers came to Lavenham they resided at the Priory, an ancient mansion situated on the south side of Water Street. It still remains, with considerable appearance of antiquity about it, both within and without. The staircase, which is of oak, with large banisters of wainscot, first attracts notice upon entering it. The chimney-piece of what appears to have been the principal room is curiously carved. In three compartments in the centre of the mantel-piece are these letters,
and "Ano Do" carved at one end, and "1595" at the other, the year most likely in which this piece of antiquity was erected. The letters A.I.C. correspond with the initials of Ambrose Copinger, D.D., who was rector of Lavenham in 1644, and Judith, his wife, but they could not well have been intended for them, Ambrose's age in the year 1595 being only about 12 years, and Judith's still younger, perhaphs not then born, having lived till the year 1675. The Christian name of Ambrose's mother having been Ann would have explained the meaning of the letters had it not been that the letter I does not appear to have any connection either with her own or her husband's name.[18] At the top of the chumney‑piece, and just under the ceiling, are four shields with the arms of Copinger, bends of six on a feese, three plates.
In one of the windows of this ancient mansion is a shield represented in painted glass, with a fiqure in its centre somewhat resembling a crucifix, and having the letter A on its right, and another to the left, but whether intended for an S or a C it is not easy to decide. If intended for a C, which is the most likely, the letters must have been designed for either Ambrose or Anne his mother, probably the latter.
In another division of the window is a circle having an ornamental border, and in the centre the letters,
Jesus Hominum Salvator.
It may be mentioned that the Priory Farm, which contains by estimation 94 acres, pays no tithe, being, it is said, tithe free in consequence of its having been at one time subject to the Priory of Colne, in Essex, from whence it derives the name of Priory. Its exemption from tithe does not, however, appear to have been inserted in the parish terrier before the year 1792. Ryece's Breviary of Suffolk, dated 1618, treating of Lavenham, says:
"All the tithes are paid in kind, save that there is a small portion of tithes uncertainly from what places due, yet they did belong to a barn commonly called Monk's Barn, which is now standing[19] near the Pound, and is now the Earl of Oxford's, sometime belonging to the Priory of Colne, in Essex, as by tradition is received, was first proportioned for the allowance of certain monks of Colne Priory, who came to Lavenham yearly to preach at certain times."
In 1784, Richard Childs of Lavenham, doctor of physic, sold the Priory, farm, and mansion of £1,981, to Mrs. Sarah Williams, formerly of Stoke-by-Nayland, but afterwards of the Priory, whose heir-at-law, John William Omslaw, in 1791, sold it to the father of the Rev. John Mudd of Lavenham, who in 1829 was in possession of the same.[20]
In the Davy MSS.[21] there is the following entry:
"In a house in the market, the owner of which claims descent from the Copingers, I was shewn a common wicker basket, about 16 inches or 16 inches by 10 inches, covered on the inside with figures, flowers, and other devies, worked with different coloured beads, and with much neatness and some effect. This is said to have been the handywork of a female of the family and has been preserved with great care. There does not appear to be any reference to the family in any of the devices, but the owner, a female, told me that the figure of a large and strong building was meant to represent the castle of Lavenham; by which was most probably meant the ancient residence of the Earls of Oxford in the parish, the moat round the site of which still remains. If this representation could be depended upon, it would be a curious memorial of a building which has long since entirely disappeared."[22]
The Registers of Lavenham Church are very complete, and extend as far back as 1558. The author remembers with pleasure how, about twenty years since, he was assisted in his search through these interesting records (having but one afternoon for the purpose) by the family of the present Rector, who was away from home at the time.
[1] Among the Fiants, Philip and Mary, 1558, we find the following "Pardon to James Barry, of Barrescourt, Viscount Barrymore, otherwise James, called Barrymore and Barryroo," [23rd April, iv. and v.] and among the Fiants temp. Eliz., 1578, we find the following:
(6,121) Pardon to Nicholas Walshe John Bayes and Christopher Arthor, for an
alienation to them by James Barrie, Knt., Viscount of Buttevaunte, alias
Viscount of Barriemoore; of the baronies
or hundreds of Ybawne, Oliehan, and Ogoromliehan, and the manors and lands
of Rathbarrie, Tymolagge,
Castellyans, Carightowhill, Bariescorte, Inshynebackie, Donnegowrne,
Rathnuskie, and Rathgobban; and license to the said James, Viscount
Barrie, to alien to the same the
barony or hundred of Oryrry, and the manors and lands of Battevant,
Liscarroll, and elsewhere in
County Cork, 6th May, xx.
In a Fiant, 1582, James
fitz Edmund fitz John Barry, of Barries Courte, is mentioned, and also
William M'Shane, leighe, of Barries Courte.
[2] Testa de Nevil, 295.
[3] Ib. 291.
[4] Harl MSS., p. 971, fo. 70. In the Abbreviatio Rotulorum Originalium temp. Henry III., we find the following, "Suff." Willelmus Esturmy fil'et heres Rogeri Esturmy fec' R. fidelitatem de omnibus terris et tenementis que prdictus Rogerus pat' suus tenuit de R. de in capite." Ro. 4. "Karled' R. reddit Henr' Esturmy fil' et heredi Galfr' Esturmy totam ballivam quam idem Galfr' tenuit in ffor' de Savernak" Ro. 4.
[5] Cal. Inq. p. m. vol. i., p. 12.
[6] Ib. vol. ii., p. 9. In the "Abreviatio Rotolorum Originalium," temp. Ed., we find "Norht R. commisit Willelmo le Esturmy balliv' honoris causa in comitatibus Norff' Suff' Cantebr' Huntedon' Essex' Hertford' Bed' et Buk' custodiend' quamdiu R. placuerit," &c. Ro. 12; and "Linc' R. commisit Willilemo de Esturmy com' Linc' cum pertin' custod' quamdiu R. placuerit." Ro. 23; Temp Ed. II. "Cit' Trent' Mand' est Ricardo de Rodeneye ex' cit' Trent' quod cap' in man' R. omnes terr' et ten' de quibus Margareta Esturmy que &c., obiit seis" Ro.4.
[7] The following were early Lords of this Manor:-
10 Rich I., | Emma de
Cantelin. Adam de Cokerall Sir Wm. Cokerell, Knt. |
9 Ed. II., | Robt.
Cokerell of Buxhall settled the Manor. Sir John Spring, Knt., of Hitcham, d. 1547. |
1 P. M. 1554, | Sir Wm.
Springe, Knt., of Pakenham, son and heir. Wm. Vesey, gent., d. 19 Eliz., 1577. |
19 Eliz., 1577, | William Vesey, grandson of Wm., son of Robert, living 1587. Robert Vesey, son and heir. |
[8] Mag. Brit. 247. Kirby's Suffolk, 186.
[9] Ingelric, the Saxon proprietor of Finborough, held 150 acres of land in Buxhall under Count Eustace, one of the Norman nobility. He had some cottagers on his land, two minor tenants, one bondmaid, 40 sheep, and 11 goats. They raised him from 40s. to 80s. of silver, i.e. they just doubled his quit rent. There was a great Saxon noble of this name, who with his brother Girard about the year 1068 endowed the monastic college of St. Martin-le-Grand in London, the site of the General Post Office. It is not impossible that this may be the person mentioned as residing at Finborough, and as having held the lordship there before the invasion of the Normans. Roger Bigot was a lord of a monor here, but of which of the four in the parish is uncertain. Roger Pictauisensis was one of the ancient tenants of the Saxon lord, and held at this time 200 acres of land, four cottagers, 16 acres of meadow, half a mill, two woodmen, one bondmaid, 16 swine, and 30 sheep. He paid 60s. quit rent, and had sac and soc in the hall. A Norman soldier, the son of Taured, added to the manor three freedmen and 24 acres of land, but it is not said by what process. Most likely he took them from his neighbours. Frodo, the Abbot's brother, who was half brother to the King, had 25 freeholders in the parish holding 350 acres of land. They had been made free by Frodo. The rent was raised on them from 60s. to 100s. Hollingworth's History of Stowmarket, p. 59. In 1101 Godfrid the son of Eliward, and his wife, gave to God and St. John of Stoke the tenth of Buxhall. In this gift his sons joined and confirmed the deed, for without this assent of the children, as well as the permission of the King, such gifts as these were not legal.
The following entries have reference to lands and hereditaments in Buxhall:-
Feoda honoris Bonon'. Emma de Cantelon ij milit' in Smepetun' cum quodam membro de Pebeners in Essex', et Fineberg' et Buckesal' in Suff' (Testa de Nevil, 273 b) Adam de Geddinge tenet quondam (sic.) in Buckeshale qui fuit Eschaet' tempore Henr' Reg' patris Domine Reg' et prfatus H. dedit eam Domui de Buttele et prfatus Adam tenet eam de domo de Buttele ad feod' firmam pro v marc' (Ib. 295.) Johes Payte et Dominus de Buxhall ten' un' feod' Mil' in Buxhall de Duc. Lancastr' 2 Ed. III.
Placita Term. Trin 18 Ed., Suff' Norf' 46.
Margeria uxor Tho. de Weyland, qui abjuravit regnum pro felonia et Ricardus fil' ejus conjunctim tenent un' mess' 42 acr' terrĉ 4 acr. box, 12 acr. pastur. 4acr. forat. 3s. 8d. redd. in Boxalle et Finebergh (M. S. R. Sparrow) Rog' Com. de Clara confirmat mon' de Stoke inter. al. ex dono. Galfri' fil' Hamais et Ausgoti de Bukeshalla (Reg. de Stoke, p. 8, fol. 24) Decimi cipiend' in Villa de Buckeshall specificati. (Ib. p. 37, fol. 71).
28 Hen. III. Magister Radus de Rekelm, Bukkeshale, Heckham, et Breckenham libr' warren.
William de Amaville and Micholdis, his wife, gave two acres of land in Finebroge, and a tenement in Buxhesale to the Abby of St. John's Church.
Ex. Ao 33 Ed. I., n.21.
Robertus Bardolf et Lora uxor ejus. Buxale et ali' in comm Suff' (Cal. Inquis. post mortem vol. i., p. 96.)
Ex. Ao 17 Ed. II., n.75.
Adomarus de Valencia Comes Pembroc' et Maria uxor ejus Buxhall dimid' feod' pertin' ad Kentwell Maner' Suff". (Ib. p. 316)
Ex. Ao 6 Ed. III., n.28.
Ingham Belet et Lora uxor ejus Buxhale un' mess' iiij ac' terr' 54 a. terr' 7 ac' box, &c. (Ib. p. 249)
Ex. Ao 1 Rich. II., n.164.
Maria de Sancte Paulo comitiss' Pembroc.' Buxhall dimid' feod'.
Ex. Ao 14 Rich. II., n.139, b.
David Strabolgi comes Athol'.
Feoda. Buxhall dimid' feod' per William Tendringe.
The following entries appear in the "Abbreviatio Placitorum" relating to lands in Buxhall, temp. Rich. I., and Ed. I.:-
Rich. I.
"Magna assia int' Emmam de Cantelon et Adam Cokerell de terra de Bukeshall ponitur in respectum, &c." Rol. 15.
Edw. I.
Adam fil' Roberti de Alneto dat per cartam suam Thome de Weyland Margarie uxori ejus et Ricardo filio suo omnes terras, &c., qu ei accederent post mortem Edwardi fratris sui in Onhus, Ratlesden, Buckeshale et Wetherden habendum hered' dicti Ricardi quas dedit in excambio pro terris in Herthurst, Lansele et Brockelegh p. ut patet in carta excambii in hoc rotulo. contenta." Rot. 30.
"Item, Adam dat Aliciĉ quĉ fuit ux' Gilberti de Cotenham i mess' et omnia ten' &c., que accider' jure hereditario post mortem Edwardi fratris sui in Onhus, Ratlesden, Buckeshale et Wetherden habendum sibi et hered' suis." Rot. 30.
[10] Hollingworth's History of Stowmarket, p. 28.
[11] Blomf. Hist. of Norfolk, vol.v., p. 193.
[12] Isabel, wife of Sir Edmund Hetheresete, Knt., 2nd son of Sir Simeon, one of the King's Justices, was buried in Buxhall Churchyard in 1416. Blomf. Hist. of Norfolk, vol. v., p. 36.
[13] Vol. i., p. 272.
[14] Hollingsworth's Hist. of Stowmarket, pp. 88 and 89, compared with original return.
[15] Ib. 151.
[16] This fine canopied piscina is at the south-east angle of the chancel, and this and the sedilia adjacent thereto were evidently similarly canopied, but the stone work has been broken away, possibly by the iconoclasts of the Commonwealth period.
[17] Harl. MSS, 597, p. 106.
[18] The Rev. Frederick Henry Turnor Barnwell, M.A., F.R.S., of Bury St. Edmunds, had a drawing taken of it early in this century.
[19] The barn mentioned here was taken down about 1800.
[20] McKeon's Inquiry into the charities of Lavenham.
[21] Add MSS. B.M., 19,077, p. 370.
[22] The original mansion house of Lavenham appears to have stood close to what is now called Lavenham Hall, and its extensive ruins are still visible, and the piece of land called or known by the name of Saffron Pans or Panes was the garden belonging to it. This mansion had been the occasional residence of the De Veres, Earl of Oxford, and lords of the manor of Lavenham, from temp. Henry I.
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