(21) John Copinger, of Maidstone


The following is taken from the Inquisitions post mortem, temp. Edward III. :-

49.  Joh'es Copping pro Abbate, conventu de Boxle,
          Eyllesford 20 acr'ter' &c.   )
          Estchurch in Scapeia &     }     Kanc'
Preston terr'et ten'ibidem remanent eidem Johe     )

This is the man referred to by Hasted in his History of Kent, who quotes the Dering MSS.  He says,

"II Ed. III, anno 1336.  The prior and convent of Christ Church, in Canterbury, confirmed to Abbat and convent of Boxley, the gift of John Coppinger, of Maidstone, to the latter, of a meadow called Bregge-mead, in Aylesford, which was held of the manor of Hollingborne, belonging to Christ Church by fealty and service, and the yearly rent of 2s. 91/4d."[1]

[1] In the reign of Elizabeth a Francis Coppinger and Rose, his wife, took proceeding against Richard  Howse and Hen. Tillner in respect of the life estate of Rose Coppinger, to lands holden of the  manor of Brandon, in the county of Norfolk, sometime the estate of George Howse.  Chan. Proc.,  temp. Eliz., Ticketed C.C. 22, No. 35.  In the same reign, Edward Coppinger and others, being freeholders and copyholders of Farnfield, took proceedings against the Archbishop of York and Henry Hunlock to establish rights of common in the manor of Farnfield, parish of the Soke of  Southwell, in the county of Nottingham.  Chan. Proc. temp. Eliz., ticketed F.f. 10, No.55.

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