(16) Extract from Gibson's "History of Cork," relating to the family. 
- London, 1861, vol. ii., pp. 187, 188.


The Corporation of Cork let, sold, mortgaged, gave and jobbed away their lands and strands, fisheries, markets, prisage tolls, everything.  No young spendthrift ever ran through a handsome estate with more recklessness than the old mayors and councilmen of Cork.  Take, the following.  It is

"A schedule of lands, hereditaments, mortgadges, by the maior and corporation of Cork to be redeemed."  "The fishing pooles with Mr. George Gould, John Coppinger, alderman, and Mr. Morrough, of the said citty, merchant, for the sum of 200 li.

"The fees and duties of the market barrel, and the fees and duties of the water bailifs, with Mr. John Coppinger, alderman, and with Maurice Roche, of the said citty, merchant, for the sum of  .  .  . 120 li.

"Item, Upon the College, to Walter Coppinger, 80 li.
"Item, Upon part of the same to Mr. John Coppinger, 50 li.
William Hore, Mayor.                John Meade, Recorder.
John Coppinger.                                John Gould.
James Coppinger.                              -- Tyrry.


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