The following is a copy of his Will:-
Will of William Copynger, 1506.
Ine the name of god. Amen. I Willm Copynger of Bury Seynt Edmond, wt an hool mynde, beynge at Bury forseid the viij. day of Octobre, in the yeere of our lord 1506, make and ordeyne this my psent testament and last Will in this manr and forme folowynge. ffyrst, I bequeth and comende my soule to almyghty god my Creatur and redemer, his most blessed moder our lady Seynt Mary and to all the holy company of heven, and my body to be bered in holy sepultur. Item, I geve and bequeth to the hight Auter of Seynt James Chyche for my tythes and offerynges necligently forgotten and for the helthe of my soule xs. Item, I bequeth to the ffreyes of Babewell for a Trentall of Seynt Gregory there to be done for my soule, my ffrendes soulys, and all Crysten soules xs. Item, I bequeth to the Seynt Mary prest of the said Chyrche to pray for my soule xvd. Item, I bequeth to Alys, my Wyff, a silu sett, the best pece, pcell gilt, to doxyn silu sponys to maser[1] that she will chose. Item, I bequeth to Alys, my Wyff, xx marks of lawfull mony of England. Item, I bequeth to Alys, my Wyff, my tenement that there was ffoftere set in the Monastry of Bury forsaid, to hold to her durynge her lyff. And after her decese, I will it shalbe sold by my executours to performe suche thyng as I haue willed before. Item, I bequeth to Willm Copynger, my sone, my tenement that I dwell in wt the hangynge bothe of the hall and parlore to holde to hym, his here and assignes, for eu. And all my medowes and closes leynge be the said tenement that I haue taken by consent seall of the Monastry of Bury forseid, wt this condicion, that the said Willm fynde an honest prest to synge for my soule, my frends soules, and all Crysten soules be the space of a yeer, takyng for his stipende viiij mark. Item, I bequeth to Thomas Copynger, my son, a silu salt pcell gilt a pece pcell gilt xij silu sponys and a maser. Item, I bequeth to Willm Copynger, my son, a sylu salt a pere xij sylu sponys and a maser. Item, I will that Alys, my wyff, haue halff my houshold, and Thomas and Willm, my sones, haue the toder half of my howshold betwen them to. Item, I will that Willm, my son, haue my couynge wt the helmett. Also I pray and requyre all my co feffees that ben enfeffed to myn use in any of my tenement to delyver there estate and possession accordynge to this testament and last will when so eu they be requyred. Also, I revoke and annulle all my willys made and don byfore this date. The residue of all my goods and jewell and cattall, movable and vnmovable, not bequethed, and all my debts, I bequeth and assigne vnto myn executor to take, receyve, and dispose them in messes syngyng, the pore pepell relevyng and other good ded to be done as they shall thynke best god to be plesed and most pfyte for my soule, and all my good ffrends soulys. And I make and ordeyne executours of this my testament, Thomas Copynger and Willm Copynger, my sonys aforesaid. These Copynge. Witnesse, Willm Mey,[2] herry Semark, John Sygon, wt others. The yeere and day above wretyn.
Proved 9 December, 1506.
[1] The maser, macer, or mazer (Dutch maeser) was a drinking bowl, originally made of maple wood, whence its name, which was afterwards applied to all bowls of the same form, or for the same purpose, of whatever material made. The value of a "beste maser" is stated in the Will of Water Rowte of Bury, 1510, to be 20s. Two masers, one with a cover, are engraved in Archæological Journal, ii., 262.
[2] He is an executor of the Will of William Baret of Bury St. Edmunds, 1502.
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