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It is not certain as to the way in which he was connected with the main branch. His will, dated 30th January, 1502, is at Somerset House, and is as follows:-
Will of Robert Copynger, 1502.
In the name of God. Amen. I, Robert Copynger of Woolpit,[1] wt a clere and an hole mynde, being at Wolpit aforesaid, the xxxth daye of January, the yere of oure Lord Jhu Crist mcccccij, make my testament and last will in this maner and fourme following. ffirst, I bequeith my soule to almighty god, to oure blessed lady, and to alle the saints, and my body to be buried in holy sepulture. And I revoke and adnulle alle other testamentes and Wills moved and made by me afore this daye. And I will that no psone haue any Interest nor any aduantage by the reason of them. It. I bequeith to the high Awlter of the paryshe church of Wolpit for my tithes and oblacions to holy church to littel paid xxs. It. I bequeith to the freers Austynes of Telford. Item, to the blake freers of Ipswych. Item, to the freers of Sudbury. Item, to the freers of Babwell to euerey of them xs. for a trentall of saint Gregory to be song for my soule and for my friends soules. Itm. That euerey child of my ij. sonnes of Walter Copynger and Richard Copinger haue of my goods vis. viiijd. Item, I bequeith to eche of my suants vjs. viiijd. Item, I bequeith to an honest preest to praye for my soule and my wifs soules the term of v. yeres immediately folowing after my decesse in the church of Wolpit, euery yere viij. marc, quarterly to be paid. Item, I will that myn executors shall yerely do kepe myn yereted the terme of v. yeres next following after my decesse wt placebo Derige and masse of Requiem solemply, and I will therebe disposed yerely to preests and clerks comying to my Derige and to the poore people and for all obsuing xls., and this to dispose yerely in the church of Wolpit during the said terme. Itm. I bequeith to the Reparacion of the higheway betwene Wolpit and Bury St. Edmonde where it shall nede iiijli. It. I gyve and bequeith to Johane, my wif alle myn hostilmets, vtensiles, and stuff pteynyng to my house. It. I gyve to the said Johane 1li. owing of my debts with this condicion, the said Johane my wif dispose and gyve to x. poore folke euery ffrydaye in the yere an halfpenny loffe duely and truly during the space of v. yeres Jmmediately folowing after my decesse. It. I bequeith to the same Johane my wif alle my Ware and Stuff in my shope. Item. I bequeith to the said Johane my tenement that I dwell in called Broks, with alle the lands, medewes, and pastures to the said tent longyng. To haue and to hold to the said Jone, and to her assignees during her life, and vj. monethes after the decesse of the said Jone Wtoute any estreppement or wast, and after the decesse of the said Jone and vj. monethes after I will the said tenement wt alle the said lands, medews, and pastures, with theire appurtenances remayne to Richard Copinger, my sone aforesaid during his life. And I will that after the decesse of the said Richard the Remaynder therof to Robt Copynger, my god child, son of the said Richard and to the heire male of the body comyng of the said Robert. And for defaulte of such issue male the remayder therof to John Copynger, son of the said Richard, and to the heires male of his body lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of such issue the remaynder therof to Reynold Copiniger, son of the foresaid Richard, and to the heire male of the body of the foresaid Reynold, and for defaulte of suche issue the remaynder therof to Roger Copynger son of the forsaid Richard, and to the heire male of the body lawfully begoten, and for defaulte of suche heire male the remaynder therof to Henry, another of the sones of the forsaid Richard, and to the heire male of his body lawfully procreate, and for default of suche issue, the remaynder therof to the heire male comyng of the body of Walter Copynger, my son aforesaid, for euermore, and for defaulte of heire male comyng of the body of the said Walter, my son, the said tenement, with alle the lands, medews, and pastures, wt the appurts, remayne to the next heire of me, the said Robert Copynger, wtoute ende. Item, I bequeith to Richard Copinger, my son beforesaid, a tenement, wt the appurts, in Wolpit, which lately I have purchased of John Day. Item, I bequeith to the said Richard, my son, xli. in clere money, to be paid to him wtin ij. yeres after my decesse, with the condicion folowing, that the said Richard, my son, avexe nor trowble myn executours for this my testament and last will, or for any other cause concernyng enything pteynyng to me the said Robt. Copinger. And, moreouer, if the said Richard be not agreable to acquytaunce myn executours of and for any other thing saving oonely thies bequeste by me to him made, that then this bequest to him made of the said tenement lately of John daye by me purchased, and the said xli. to him bequeithed shall remayne in the hands of myn executours for to dispose for my soule and for my frends soules. Also I require all my feoffees that ben enfeoffed of, and in alle my lands and tenements to deliuer theire estate of and in the said lands and tenements, when they be required by myn executours according to the tenure of this present testament. The residue of all myn other goods and catalls here not assigned, I assigne to the disposicion of myn executours to distribute and dispose for my soule and alle my frends soules in masses, singing, and to poore people, and in other good dedys of almes doing to the moost pleasure of almighty god and helth and profite of my soule. And of this my present testament and last will, I ordeyne and make myn executours, that is to sey, Walter Copynter, my son, and William Copynger of Bury aforesaid, the Elder, and Andrew Roshbroke of Costoke, and I make and ordeyne Thomas Germeyn, Gentilman, Supvisour of this testament, and I gyve him for his laboure xls. Item, I gyve to eche of the said Waulter and William Copynger and Andrew Roshbroke for their laboure in executyng of this my testament, xxs. In Witness wherof to this present testament my seale I haue putte, these witnes being present. Doctor Richard Brynkley frere of Babwell, Mathewe formage, John Albry, James ffene, William Hawde, Robert ffene, John Wade, Robert Kyng, and many other. Gouen at Wolpit aforesaid, the daye and yere of oure Lord Jhu crist abouewritten.
Proved 31 December, 1503.
[1] Woolpit is a village eight miles E. by S. of Bury St. Edmunds, six miles N. W. by W. of Stowmarket, and about four miles from Buxhall, and contains 1,877 acres of land. It is certainly an ancient place, and Dr. Gale and some other antiquarians place the Roman station of Sitomacus here rather than at Thetford or Haughley. Roman coins, &c., have often been discovered in the parish, and in a meadow near the church is a large moated area, having in its centre a fine spring called Lady's Well said to possess medicinal virtues for the cure of sore eyes, and to have anciently had a chapel near it. The manor and advowson formerly belonged to the Abbey of Bury, and was granted by James I. to Sir Robert Gardiner.
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