(5)  Walter Copinger Of Bury

The following is a copy of his Will:-

Will of Walter Copinger, 1506.

 In the name of god.  Amen.  The xthe day of the monyth Septembre, in the yeer of or Lord god, 1506.  I, Walter Copynger of Bury Seynt Edmond, Cloth maker, hoyle of mynde and of good remembraunce, make and ordeyne this my prent testament and last will in manr and forme folowynge.  ffyrst, I byqueath my soule to god almyghty, to my lady seynte Marie, and to all the holye company of heven, and my body to be berred in the Chyche of Seynte James thypostoll of Bury aforesayd.  Also I byqueath to the high Alvter of the said Chyche for my tythes and offerynges nligently forgotyn and not payed, and for the helth of my soule, xs. Also I will haue an honest prest, seculer, synge for my soule and for all my frendes soules in the Chyche of seynte James afornamed by the space of iij. yeere, taking for his labor euy yeer viij. mark.  Also I will that iiij. of the porest howses of ffryes to have eche of them xs.  Also I will that there be geven to pore ffolk in leiu of almes the space of v. yeere in woode and xxs. a yeer from Michelemasse to Candelmasse.  Also I will that there be kept a dyrge and a masse by the space of x. yeere after my dycese for me or my frendes that be dead.  And I byqueth thereto for to kepe it withall euy yeer xs.  Also I will that Margarete, my wyff, have my house whiche I dwelle in so longe as she is a weddowe and xxxiij. dayes after.  And if she contynue a weddowe then after her dycese I will the remeynd to John, my sone, or his assignes.  And if it be that my wyff be maried agen, then I will she haue it as is abouesaid, and after that my sone John to haue it when he comyth to lawfull age.  And I will that the said Margarete, my Wyffe, haue my house in Bekcowtime of here lyff wtall the lands therto longynge.  And after her decese I will that the said John, my sone, haue it.  Also I byqueth vnto the said Margarete, my Wyff, my iij. tenements set in the high strete wt th apprtenances to her or to her assignes.  Also I will that Robt, my son, haue the Woodhouse that Wad Creyelye wt the land that I pchased of ffurmage of Wolpyt.  Also I will that Thomas, my sone, shall haue the Woodhouse that I pchased of Master Jermyn and Thomas Lacy. Also I will that Edmond, my sone, haue my howse the whiche I pchased of Robt Wyset.[1]  Also I will that Water, my sone haue my howse that Abbot Wellethin set in the Whytyng strete.  Also I will that euy of my sones haue eche of them x. marc, to be delyvyd unto them when they come to lawfull age, that is to say xxi. yeres. And if any of them dye or they come to said age that than that child that depteth, the eldest next vnder hym to haue the hous to hym bequethed, and the x. marc that he shuld have to fynde wtall one honest prest seculer to pray for his soule and for all his ffrendys soules.  Also I bequeth to Alys and Rose, my daughters, to eche of them x. marc when they come to lawfull age, that is to say when they be mared. And if any of them die or the come to the said age that then the on to be othere eyre.[2]  And if both depte or they come to the said age that then the money to them bequethed to be at the disposicion of myne executor.  Also I will that my tenement in Stowemarket be sold by myne executor and the money thereof comynge to go to the pformance of this my last Will.  Also I will that the said Margarete, my wyff, shall haue half my Stuff of howsehold and xlli. in money and more, that is to say xxli. in money or xxli. worth of Ware.  Also I will that all my cofeffees that bee enfeoffed of or in my tents or lands that they delyver a good and sufficient estate accordynge to this my last Will when they be (lawfully?) requyred be myn executors or by any oder psone or psones havynge titell to the same be the vertue of this my last Will.  The residue of all my goods and cattall movable or vnmovable not bequethed nor assigned I bequeth and assigne to the disposicon of myn executors vnderwretyn to selle, receyve, or dispose for the weel of my sowle and all my ffrendes soules whom I ordeyne and make.  THOMAS EDON, Gent., and WILLM COPYNGER.  These Wytnes, Master John Jowell, Clerk, John Skynner, and John Lacy wt othere.  geven the day and yeer above mentyn.

[1] No doubt the Robert Wyset mentioned in the Will of Margarete Odeham of Bury, 1492.  See Wills  and Inventories, Bury St. Edmunds, Tymms (Camden Society), p. 77.  In this very Will a William  Copynger is mentioned.

[2] To be the other's heir.

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This page was last updated on 31 August 2016. 

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