He was educated at Bury St. Edmunds, and on the 7th July, 1760, was admitted to Caius College, Cambridge, and on the 14th December, 1675, was admitted a Fellow Commoner of St. John's College, being then 21 years of age. His tutor was a Mr. Burton. He made his will on the 1st August, 1690, and in it is the following devise:-
I will and devise all my lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatsoever, with their appurnances, scituate, lying, and being in Buxhall aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of Richard Darsey, his assignee or assignees, and also all my lands, tenemts, and hereditaments with the appurtenances, scituate, lying, and being in Buxhall aforesaid and ffinborow in the said county, now in the tenure or occupation of George Goddard, his assignee or assignees, and also all that my windmill with the lands and other the appurtenances tenements belonging, scituate, lying, and being in Buxhall aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of Richd Thorowgood, his assignee or assignees, with the appurts, and also all my ffeild called Millfield lying and being in Buxhall aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Jacob, his assigne or assignes, with the appurtenances, and also all my tenemnt or cottage with the appurtenances scituate and being in Buxhall aforesaid, now in the tenure or occupation of Robert Davy, his assignee or assignees, and also all my tenemnt or cottage with the appurtenances now in the tenure or occupation of Thos Pelborow, his assignee or assignees, scituate and being in Buxhall aforesaid, and also all that part of my messuage or tenement with the lands and appurtenances thereto belonging which Henry Copinger my late ffather deceased purchased of Mrs. Thomazine Copinger his sister, scituate, lying and being in Buxhall aforesaid, and now in the tenure or occupation of ---------- Winter, his assignee or assignees, to be sold by my executors.
His sister Anne lies in the chancel of the Church of Buxhall, where on a flat stone is this inscription in her memory:-
Here lyeth the body
of Anne Copinger
one of the daughters
of Henry Copinger of
Buxhall in the County
of Suffolk Esq. who
departed this life
the 21st of September
1693, and in the
yeare of her age 32.
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