He was born at Buxhall, in November, 1582, and was interred in the Chancel of that Church, in 1648, where, on a flat stone, is this inscription to his memory in small capitals:-
Here lyeth the body of William
Copinger, Esq., expecting the
Joyful resurrection, who
Marryed Mary ye daughter of
Richard Goodday, of Kettlebar-
ston, Esq., by whom hee had
issue 2 sonnes and 6 daughters;
And after he had lived peace-
ably, charitably, and piously,
departed this life comfortably,
The 13th of January, 1648, in the
67th yeare of his age.
Maria illius relicta charissimo
Conjugi, pietatis ergo, mærens posint.
His wife died on the 4th March, 1663, and was interred in the same vault with her husband, the following inscription being placed on a flat stone to her memory:-
Here lieth the body of
Mrs. Mary Copinger, the rel-
lict of William Copinger ,
Esq., who died the 4th
day of March, 1663.
Arms above - 1. Dexter side, Copinger. 2. Sinister side, Copinger impaling Goodday, a fesse wavy between two leopard's heads in pale.
In William's will, dated the 4th October, 1647, written in his own hand, is the following bequest:-
"I give and bequeath to William Copinger my youngest sonne all that my messuage or tenement situate and beinge in Ratelsden in the Countie of Suffolke nowe in the possession and occupacion of John Swonewood the elder of Ratlesden aforesaid with all the lands tenements meadowes pastures and feedings as well freeholde or coppyholde to the said messuage or tenement belonginge or apperteyninge or therewith usually occupied with their and every of their appurtenances situate lynge and beinge in Ratelsden and Buxhall aforesaid and nowe likewise in the possession or occupacon of the said John Swonewood or his assignes to have and to holde the said messuage or tenement and all and singuler other the premisses with the appurtenances vnto the said William Copinger my sonne his heirs and assignes for ever."
His widow's will is at Bury St. Edmunds and bears the date 1665.
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This page was last updated on 31 August 2016. |
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