He died at Lavenham, and was buried in the chancel of the church there. By his will, dated 22nd April, 1625, he gave certain sums to the poor of Lavenham and Buxhall, and from this will we make the following extracts relating to his property in Lavenham:-
"Item, I give vnto my sonne Robert and his heyres my meadowe called Davids meadowe, lying in Lavenham, which I bought of one John Longworthe, Doctor of Divinitie, and doe have and hole by vertue of a lease from him made. Item, I give also vnto my sonne Robert and his heyres, that little pte and pcell of ground conpassed about with the river, nowe in the occupacon of John Harman, lying in Lavenham aforesaid, the fence agaynst the river to be maynteyned by the saied Robert." . . . . . Item, I give and bequeath vnto my sonne Henry Copinger, and his heyres, all my lands, free coppie, and burgage hold lying in Lavenham aforesaid, with the howses, tenements, barnes, and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging, except before excepted those given to my sonne Robert, which I will shalbe sole by my executor for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies. Item, I give vnto the said Henry and his heyres all my lands and tenements, free and copyhold, lying in Wolpit, Elmwel, and Drinxton (purchased of my brother Edward Copinger and his wife, my wiues daughter), lying in the Countie of Suffolke aforesaid, to haue and to hold vnto the saied Henry, my sonne, and his heyres for ever."
His son is mentioned under the date 1636, in the Winthorp papers thus:- "Mrs. Sarah, the wyfe of Mr. Henry, surnamed the blacke Henry Coppinger of Lavenham," but why he was surnamed the black does not appear. He made a lengthy will dated the 24th March, 1674, by which he bequeathed to his son Thomas his house in Hockvile-street in Lavenham, where he then dwelt, and "that parte also in the occupation of Mary Girling, widow, with the yards, gardens, and orchards thereunto belonging," for sale. The son Thomas makes his will dated the 17th May, 1694, by which he bequeathes to his sister Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Cranshaw, of Hartest, County Suffolk, his messuage or tenement in Lavenham, with the yards and appurtenances to the same belonging for life, and after to her two daughters Elizabeth and Mary in fee, charged with an annuity of 16s. in favour of his wife Susanna during life.
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