(11)  Henry Copinger

He purchased the All Hallow Estate, situate at Hoo, in the Co. of Kent.[1]  The residence was called All Hallows House.  The Copingers seem to have been in some way connected with this estate at an earlier date, for Henry Copinger seems to have been born here, and in the survey of the marshes of the River Medway, temp. Henry VIII. or Edward VI., is the following:-

"The manour of Alhallowes perteynyng to Syr Thomas Wyat, Knyght, and now to the Kynges hyghnes.  [Here are drawn a church and manor house.]  The marshe conteyneth cccix acres, wherof belongeth to John Astre, Thomas Andrew, and to John Andrew, ix acres; to Robert Stretton, cxx acres; to John Stute and to Elizabeth Copynger, lxxx acres; and c acres resydue belongeth to Robert Warren and to the heyres of Thomas Mason."

Henry died Lord of the Manor in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and was buried in All Hallows Hoo church.

He was living in 1561, for his name appears amongst the freeholders of the Co. Suffolk, for Buxhall, under this date in a manuscript in the Landsdowne collection; and also in 1569 and 1570, for in the first of these years he presented his son Ambrose to the living of Buxhall, and the second of these years, on the resignation of Ambrose, he presented Geo. Dickenson to the living.

In 1573 (13th March) he presented John Wolfenden to the Vicarage of Hocham, in Norfolk, and in 1582 (20th September), on his resignation, presented William Carter.  The Copingers had bought the impropriation and advowson of this vicarage, which went with the Abbey of Thetford, and all its revenues, of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, who obtained it at the Dissolution.  It was either sold by Henry Copinger or his successor in title to the Jermyns, for the next presentation made, 21st January, 1606, was made by Sir Robert Jermyn.

In the Will of his widow Agnes, dated 7th February, 1599, and proved 26th November, 1600, are the following quaint bequests:-

"My mynde and will is that my nephew ffrancis Copinger sonne of my sonne Thomas Copinger, shall haue two of my best beds whiche be in my house at Buxhall, as they nowe be there, the other beds, househould stufs, and other furniture whatsoever, is remayninge at this tyme of myne in that my house at Buxhall I giue and bequeathe vnto Roberte Copinger, my sonne.  My best yallow cloake I giue vnto my daughter Susan, the Lady Clive, my tuffed Taffitie goune, my velvet kirtle and overbodie belonginge therevnto, or which I vse commonlie withe it.  I giue vnto my daughter Elizabeth, the wife of Richarde Lee, esquire, my lytle sylver boule or cup whiche Mistress Judithe Clive did giue me."

[1] Stypes Stow's Survey Book, 5, p. 128; Hasted's Kent, vol. i., p. 573.

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