William Copinger Became parson or rector (persona) of Buxhall in 1416. The following extract from Pitseus[1] probably applies to him:-
Guilhelmus Copingerus natione Anglus Oxoniensis academiæ magester insignis Putatur aliquando alumnus fuisse Collegii Balleolensis, et in ejusdem gymnatii Bibleotheca ferunt opera quœdam illius ad annos bene multos asservata, ex quibus colligitur hominem semper studia litterarum et virtutum ita conjunxisse, ut in utrisque pacem, et eos certe magnos fecerit progressus. Completes testes habemus ejus lucubrationes doctas simul et pias. De virtutibus et vitiis, lib. unum. Vani sunt omnes honores. Sacramentale quoddam, lib. unum. Et alia non pauca, quorum tamen tituli mihi sunt incogniti, uti et tempus quo vixit. He was an executor to the Will of the wife of Ed. Hethersete, Esq. Isabella quæ fuit uxor Edmundi Hetersete militis per Test. suum, dat. xx. Jan., 13 Hen. 4 and probat. 2 Marc., 1416, legat Aliciæ Copynger totam pecuniam suam. Item voluit qd Willus Copynger clicus Johes Copynger et alii habeant omnia bona sua, &c., quæ dedit et assign eis per factum suum dat. xx. Aug 12 Hen. IV. Probat. ij Mar., 1416, et com. adm. Wills. Copynger extori Ex Regm. Hyrnynge in Ard. Reg. Nonv. pte 2a fo. 24a. - Harl. MSS., M. B., No. 10, fol. 211 b.
He made his will at Buxhall, 3rd September, 1436, by which he ordered that his body should be buried in the chancel of the church at Buxhall. He left to each of the sons of Thomas Drury viijd. annually, and he bequeathed his manor called Buxhall Hall, with the advowson of the church of the same village, and all other appurtenances, to his brother John for life, with remainder to his son William in fee. He bequeathed to Walter, another son of his brother John, a tenement called Codes in Finborough Magna, and a messuage called Baronys. In the will are mentioned among his survivors, Alicia, wife of his son John, and Margaret, a nun, daughter of the said John. The Will was proved 13th September, 1436. - Harl. MSS. ut sup. fol. 261b.[2]
[1] De Illust. Angl. Script, p. 852.
[2] A William Copenger, clericus, is mentioned in the extracts from Baldwine's MSS., Harl. 294, thus: "Willielmus Copenger clicus mortuus uti colligo ante anno Dm 1441 appellatur Dominus Willielmus."
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