(2)  Patrick Coppinger

A note of a memorandum of a contention between David Fitz Tyrry of Cork, and Patrick Coppinger, son and heir of Thomas Coppinger of Youghall, 4th October, 1560, has already been given, note page 6.

The award was carried into effect by a deed dated the same month.

Oct. 1560.  2 Eliz.  Deed by which Patrick Coppinger, son and heir of Thomas Coppinger of  Youghall, lately deceased, quit claim to David Tyrry Fitz Edmund of half a messuage in Dungarvon, sub. of Cork.

This Patrick was the unfortunate mayor who was hanged at his own door by the Earl of Ormond.  It seems that in 1579, the Earl of Desmond, then in rebellion, laid siege to the town, and on surrender of the place, he gave it up to indiscriminate plunder, not excepting even the religious foundations.  It was, for a short time, garrisoned in favour of the rebel Earl, by his relative the senechal of Imohilly.  In the confusion of the plunder, all the inhabitants, save one poor friar alone, had fled from the town, and the senechal was soon under the necessity of relinquishing the place for want of provisions.  It was then garrisoned by the Earl of Ormond, and Coppinger, the Mayor of Youghal, who had surrendered to Desmond, was tried by court martial and hanged at his own door. Coppinger had, previous to the sacking of the town, refused to admit an English garrison, promising to defend the place to the last extremity; but on Desmond's approach had yielded it up, with a mere semblance of opposition.  Several ancient houses were standing until recently, some of them having the staircases in the walls, which were an extraordinary thickness, and amongst these the house said to be Coppinger's was pointed out.  It has since, however, disappeared.

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