He was admitted a freeman of the City of Cork, the following being the entry in the Council Book,
"16 Sept., 1633, James Coppinger fz. John was sworn a freeman paying 10s., being an alderman's son."
He died unmarried, and the following is a copy of his Will, which bears date 12th April, 1690:-
Will of James Copinger Fitz John, 1690.
This Will was proved on the 18th April, 1690.In the name of God. Amen. I, James Coppinger fitz John of ye Citty of Cork, merchant, being sick in body but of perfect sense and memory praised be God, doe make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former will or wills by me made.
Imprimis. I bequeath my soule to God almighty my Sauior and Redeemer, and doe hope by ye meritts of ye passion of our Sauior Jesus Christ to enjoy life euer lasting. I bequeath my body to be intered in Christ Church, in Cork, or where my executors hereafter named think it convenient. Item - I leave and devise vnto my nephew, Stephen Coppinger, all my right, title, interest, vse, posson, reversion, deeds, judgements, and writings which I now haue or euer had of in and to ye Townes, lands, houses, tenements, and hereditaments of Knocknegoare and Gortnenuone which I haue in mortgage from James Nugent als Nugent, gent., in ye barony of Kerricurrighy, the towne and lands of Curribeagh in ye Barony of Barretts in mortgage from James Barrett, gent., the Towns and lands of Oldcastle in Mortgage from Teigue McCallaghan Carthy and one tenement or house within ye Citty of Corke, I alsoe leave and bequeath unto my said nephew, Stephen Coppinger, all my right and title by succession or otherwise that I have or could clayme as right heire or next of kin to my brother Sir John Coppinger's Estate, and likewise all my right, title, and interest of in and to my brother Dominick Coppinger's Estate in Citty and Country which is hitherto unlawfully kept fromme by Robert Coppinger, of Dublin, Esqre. Item - my will is that all ye foregoing lands and estate shall, after ye said Stephen's death, come, remaine, and continue to ye heirs males of ye body of ye said Stephen, and for want of such issue to John Coppinger fitz Edmond and ye heirs males of his body lawfully to be begotten, and for want of such issue to George Coppinger and ye heirs males of his body, and for want of such issue to Robert Coppinger their brother and ye heires males of his body, and for want of such issue to ye right heires of me ye said James for euer. I leaue vnto Mary Archdeacon, my neece, ye house Knocknagour and the grazing of Nyne Collops free for fitteene yeares.
Item - my will is and soe I declare it that ye interest of ye mortgage money of old Castle being foure score pounds shall be yearly paid when recourved to ye clergy, as my executor thinks fitt, for requiem masses and praying for my soule, provided that when the said lands shall be released by ye right heire, then ye payment to ye clergy to cease.
Item - I leaue and bequeath vnto my said nephew, Stephen Coppinger, all ye debts owing to me by bill, bond, booke of account or otherwise and thereout and out of what other effects I herein bequeath to pay for my funerall expenses.
Item - what other lands and estate I do not now remember and that I am entitled to by deeds or descent I leaue vnto ye said Stephen Coppinger and his heirs.
Item - I hereby nominate and appoint my said nephew, Stephen Coppinger, to be sole executor of this my last will and testament. In Wittness whereof I haue herevnto freely set my hand and seale ye 12th day of Aprill, 1690
Signed, sealed, published,
and declared in presence of
John Cogan
William Murphy
Edward Murphy.
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