(7)  John Copinger

He is mentioned in the Will of his father, John Copinger, alderman, as having been a severe trial to the old gentleman.  In 1617 he was high sheriff of the County of Cork. In 1618, October 5th, he was sworn a counsellor of the City of Cork.  He was elected mayor on 1st October, 1621.  He is mentioned in an entry on 12th August, 1621; 1st and 12th October, 1621; 15th February, 1621; 28th June, 1622; and 26th September, 1622. He is also mentioned as Sir John Copinger, knt., among the four-and-twenty councillors of the City of Cork according to the new charter, 17th April, 1633.  On the 3rd August, 1638, he was sworn Justice of the Peace for the County of the City of Cork.  In 1641 he was appointed the collector for collecting and paying the committee's money, and by an Order of the Council on the 9th July, 1641, was directed to pay to "Pieres Meaghe of Corcke, mercht, the sum of 120li.18s. 4d. at Dublin, to the use of the committees."

In 1626 his brother-in-law, Sir William Russell, of London, knt., took proceedings against Sir John and his wife Katherine for the recoveries of certain moneys, and by a decree, preserved in the Public Record Office, Dublin, dated 19th June, 1626, the defendants were ordered to pay to the plaintiff the sum of £250 and costs.

Sir John died in 1642, and the following is a copy of his Will:-

Will of Sir John Copinger, 1642.

In the name of God.  Amen.  The Twentie tow day of October Anno' Dom' one thousand sixe hundred fforty and twoe.  I, Sr John Copinger, knight, though weake and sickly of Boddy, yet of good and p'fect sense and memorie (thankes be unto the Allmighty) doe make and ordayne this my last wyll and testament in manner and forme followeinge, ffirst, I comend my Soule unto Allmighty God, my onely maker and redeemer, and my Boddy to the Earth whereof it is made, and the same to be buryed in my owne grave in Christes Churche in Corcke.  Itm.  my will is that the Estate and Landes conferred by my ffather, John Copinger, alderman, in his life time by conveyance uppon my selfe and Dame Katherin my wiffe, shall after my decease be quietly enjoyed by my said wiffe duringe her naturall life according to the effect and true meaninge of the said conveyance, and after her decease my wyll is that all the said lands shall reuert and remayne unto my sone and heire Thomas Copinger and his heires according to the true intent and meaninge as well of the said conveyance as also of my said ffather is last wyll and testament.  Itm.  my wyll likewise is and so hereby declare that all my money, plate, househould stuffe, and all other my goods, corne, chattels, and moveables of what nature or quallitie soeuer shall be equally devided into three equall partes whereof I bequeath and devise unto my said sone and heire the twoe ptes thereof, and the other third parte I bequeath and devise vnto the said Dame Katherine my wiffe vnto wch third pte she is intituled by the Lawe.  Itm. Likewise my will is and soe I do bequeath and devise vnto my daughter Katherine Copinger als Gould during her naturall life the stone howse wherein she and her husband now lyveth in payinge unto my said sone and heire the yearly Rent of Tow shilling sterl' if it be demanded by my said sone and heire.

Item.  I doe devise and bequeath vnto my sister Joane Copinger als Roche ffortye shillings sterl' to make her a gould ringe.  And also I devise vnto my sone in lawe Willm Gould ffortie shillinges sterl' to make him a Gould ringe, I also bequeath unto my Cossen Robert Copinger fz Domynicke fforty shillinges sterl' to make him a gould ringe, and likewise unto my Nephew Willm Hore, Esq., ffortie shillings sterl' to make him a gould ringe.

Itm.  my wyll is that all my debts whatsoever any way duely oweinge from me be fully satisfied and payed out of my said p'sonall estate before any devision to be made thereof and especiallie the debt of Threescore pounds sterl' wch I owe by Bound vnto Geordge Gallway fz Richard Mrcht.  And of this my last wyll and testamt I doe hereby noiate make and ordaine my said sone and heire Thomas Copinger, sole executor, and doe hereby enioyne my said sone and heire and the said Dame Katheryne my wiffe to be both carefull and lovinge vnto one another, he unto her according to her worth like a lovinge and dutifull sone, and she likewise vnto him like a carefull and lovinge Mother.  In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Day and yeare abowe written

his signe

Being p'snte
John Goolde, Richard Rinte, James Yonge,
Michell Grygen his mke +

Probate was granted on the 24th December, 1642.

The Will of Sir John's widow, Katherine, was made on the 31st December, 1668.  It is as follows:-

Will of Dame Katherin Coppinger, 1668.

In the name of God  Amen.  I, Dame Katherine Coppinger, of the Citie of Cork, in the province of Munster in Ireland, widow, the vnworthie servant of God, taking into consideracion the certaintie of death and the vncertaintie thereof both for tyme and place being at this present God bee praised therefore in good health of bodie and perfect in my sense, memorie, and vnderstanding considering my age, doe for this satisfaction of my friends the quiett of my minde and better preparing of my selfe for the day of my disolution, make and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disanulling all former wills by mee made in manner and forme followeing, ffirst, I bequeath and commend my soule into the hands of the Allmightie maker of heaven and earth, three persons in one God, my creator and Redeemer, assuredly trusting by the meritts of the death, passion, and mediation of my Saviour Jesus Christ and faith in him to bee made partaker of his heavenly kingdom.  And my bodie to the earth from whence it came and to be buried in Christ Church in the Citie of Cork neere my loveing husband, Sir John Coppinger, deceased, if it soe happen that I depart this world in the said Citie.  And as concerning the small effects which God has left vnto mee in this troublesome tymes and which will bee at my dispose at the tyme of my death I will and bequeath the same in manner following, ffirst, I give and bequeath vnto my loveing cosin Christopher Wright of Killwache in the Barony of Kirrcurrihie in the Countie of Corke, gent., who hath approoved himselfe my true and faithfull friend and has bin a great helpe and assistance vnto me for the manageing of my smale estate in this troublesome and dangerous tymes, in consideration of his great paines and care taken therein the full fourth part of all my corne and graine of what kinde soever both within dores and without either in the citie or the country or sowed in the ground;  and that shall belong vnto mee at the tyme of my death.  I likewise hereby give and bequeath vnto my said loveing cosen Christopher Wright my share or halfe of two Garrons and one Cowe that wee bought in parnershipp betwixt vs, and for which hee paid halfe the money.

Item, I leaue and bequeath the sume of ffyve pounds sterl. vnto the poore English people of the Citie and suburbs of Corke, to bee distributed amongst them at the tyme of my death by my said cosin Christopher Wright with the advise and discretion of the Church‑wardens or one of them of the said parish of Christ Church.

Item, all the remayne of my estate, viz., Corne, Cattle, goods, houshold stuff, poddy, monies, juells, plate, or whatever old platt bee myne and at my dispose at the tyme of my death I doe hereby giue and bequeath vnto my deare and loveing brother Killifitt Russell, gent., liveing nere Newmarkett in Cambridge shere in England, whome I doe hereby make the sole executor of this my last will and testament, praying and desireing him to dispose of the same towarde the satisfying of such debts what I doe owe vnto or deere brother Sir William Russell, Kt, and which I haue borrowed of him since these warrs in Ireland.

And in case my executor, Killifitt Russell, should die and depart this world before mee, then my will, and I doe hereby make and ordaine the heire, executor, or administrator of my said loveing brother and executor to bee the executor of this my last will and testament.  In testimonie and confirmation whereof I haue subscribed my name to each sheete of paper and to the third  sheete haue putt my hand and seale in prescence of William Wheeler of the Citie of Corke, Notary Publique, this 13th day of ffebruarij, 1657, old stile.

her marke.

Signed, sealed, and            
acknowledged before mee,
Wm Wheeler,
Notry Pubc,

This Will was not proved until eleven years after, namely, on the 31st December, 1668.

The following is an extract from the Parish Books of Christ Church, Cork:-

"An accompt of money received from the parishioners of the parish of Christchurch by vertue of a Rate made by the minister and churchwardens of the said Parish, the 8th of December, 1664, towards satisfaction of sixe moneths allowance for Mr. Beniamin Crosse, minister of the said Parish.  Twenty sixe weekes allowance for the poore of the saide parish and for repairing and beautifieing the said Church

Dame Katherine Copinger  1 5 0
1667.  For burying Dame Katherine Coppinger in
ye chancell
0 13 4

Among the Funeral Certificates in Ireland, MS., British Mus., Add. 4820, is the following:-

"Skiddy, Nicholas, of citty of Cork, gent., eldest son of Stephen S., of same, said N. Mar. ---- dr. of Henry Gould fitz Pierce, of same gent.  Issue, one dr.   2ly, N. mar. Jennet, dr. Sir John Coppinger, of Crosshaven, co. Cork.  Issue, George and Jec---, both unmd.  Testified by Sir John Copinger, Knt.  Recorded in Ulster Office, June 24th , 1640."

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This page was last updated on 31 August 2016. 

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