His will is dated the 16th April, 1651, and is as follows:-
Will of Richard fitz James, 1651.
In nom: dei. Amen. I, Richard Copinger fitz James, beinge in full memorie at the writinge hereof, doe bequite my soule vnto Almightie God, and my bodie to be burried in the Abby of Inisherkine.
Imprimis, I bequite vnto me oldest sonne Richard oge Copinger all me freehould land and herriteance, onely eight gnives of land excepted and reserved to my second sonne William Copinger and his heirs males of his boddie lawefully begotten or to be begotten, and for want of such heirs males lawfully begotten or to be begotten to my oldest sonne Richard oge Copinger his heirs as aforesaid.
Secondly, I left me brouther, Sir Walter Copinger, in his hands for me use thuentie pound sterlinge wch shall apeere by me accounts with the yeare of our Lorde and day of the mounth.
Thirdly, I left with him one houndred pound in gould wch I received for fhich of venciciane Brataine wch shall apeere as aforesaid.
Fourthly, deliuered me nephew Dominick Copinger to be deliuerd vnto me brouther one houndred pound in gould wch shall apeere as aforesaid.
Fiftly, one hundred pound wch me brouther promest to pay me for Sir Roger Yones, Knight, wch was duely due to me from the said Sir Roger vppon accounte as shall apeere also vppon me account.
Sixtly, foureskore pound wch I had a mortgadge of Killdinane in Barrie mores counterie and deliuered the said deede of mordge to me brouther to peruse and euer since detained it to this day and the day and yeare shall apeere.
Seuently, deliured O'Driscoll oge his daghters Elean and marie three skore pounds wourth of cattell for the use of me brouther and promised to pay me wch I could never haue since and me note shall express the time.
Eightly, lent me nephew Dominick Copinger three skore and thoulfe pounds towoard his fishinge at Killinane wch shall also apeere. Also me release of the halfe plowland of Rinmouragh wch I deliured to me brother Sir Walter Copinger wch hee detained also.
Nintly, laide oute for me brother when hee morgaged colly more one houndred and nintie foure pound wch hee faithfully promised me at a seartaine time wch I never had since wch will apeere as aforesaid.
Tenntly, lent me nise Christine Copinger five pound the beginenge of this mare, and could not reseve it either of hir or of me cousen John Copinger all wch I wrote of before the Almightie God is true for me wch somes me will is to be deuided between me sonne Richard and me sonne William as followeth fiue partes to me sonne Richard and one parte to me sonne William.
Ealleavently, it is me last Will to bequeate me grandchild McTeege Carragh ODriscoll of all right or intrest that I haue or hade or that me heares may haue or hade in the castell, towne, and lands of Donnenore in Cap cleere to him and his heirs for euer, and I and me heires to be exemted exclouded and debared from any right, titell, or interest to the premises aboue mentioned.
Wittnes me hand vpon me last will and testament made and perfected by me vnder me hand and seale the sixthinth of Aprell in the yeare of oure Lord God 1651.
Beinge present and witness
Teige O'Dryscoll
Dermond O'Driscoll
Teig o Thohig.
There is preserved in the Public Record Office, Dublin, a decree dated 3rd May, 1634, in a suit wherein James Fitz Gerald als James Fitz Edmond Gerald of Coolegarrie, Co. Cork, gent., was plaintiff, and a Richard Coppinger of Donnegall, in the said Co., gent., was defendant, and by which it was ordered that the defendant should be dismissed, and should hold and enjoy the possession of the three gneeves of land called Liskanmaine, parcel of the lands of Creggh, in Collimmore, in Co. Cork, against the plaintiff with costs. It is doubtful if the defendant was the Richard fitz James above mentioned, but by no means improbable.
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