The following entry appears in the Council Book of the Corporation of Cork in 1629:
"5 Oct., 1629. Domk Coppinger fz. Walter, Esq., was sworn freeman and councellor, for which Mr. John Coppinger, Ald., passed his word for to pay as much as any other councellor."
He made his Will, dated 30th October, 1642, which was proved 27th July,1643. It is sealed with the old arms of the family and signed "Dom.Copinger." The following is a copy:-
Will of Dominick Copinger, 1642.
I, Dominick Copinger, of Cork, Esquire, being weake of boddy yet sound of my mind and memory (thanks be to the Almighty), do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and form following, vizt.: First, I commend my soule unto the hands of Almightie God my maker and redeemer, hopeing assuredly through the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my Savior to be made partaker of life everlasting, and my boddy to the earth whence it is made and the same to be burryed in my owne graue in Christ Church in Corke. Item - I do devise and bequeath unto my oldest daughter Alson Copinger, for and towards her preferment in marriage, the some of one thousand pounds sterling, which some I will shall be raised and levied as soone as possible it can be out of the rente, issues, and proffitts of all my lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatsoeuer wherof I am any way of seised in use, possession, revertion, or remainder. Item - I doe alsoe devise and bequeath vnto my seconde daughter, Ellen Copinger, for and towarde her perferment in marriage the some of eight hundred pounds sterl., which some I alsoe will shall be levied and raised as aforesaid out of my land and tenements and hereditaments aforesaid, and that after the payment and raisinge of my said eldest daughter's portion aforesaid Item - likewise I devise and bequeath vnto my third eldest daughter, Marie Copinger, the some of foure hundred pounds ster. towarde her perferment in marriage, and to my fourth daughter, Victoria Copinger, three hundred ster., and soe consequently three hundred pounds sterling unto each of my three youngest daughters, Clara, Gennett, and Catherin Copinger, to be raised and leavyed out of the profitts of my lands before mentioned and in manner and forme aforesaid. Item - I doe devise and bequeath unto my second sone, Walter Copinger, for his maintenance and lyvelehood the sume of a thousand pounds sterl. out of the profitte and issues of my lands and tenements to be raised after my daughters, Alson, Ellen, Mary, and Victoria their severall portions as aforesaid.
Item - my wyll is that all such debts and duties that I owe of right or of conscience unto any manner of person or persons whatsoever be well and truely satisfied and paid.
Item - I devise and bequeath vnto my marryed wife, Mary Copinger, dureing her naturall life my stone house in Courke towards the fevefront or Roade where my father antiently lived according to the antient names and bounds. Item - I hereby enioyne my son and heire vppon my blessing to performe as well this my last will and testament in all pointes, and alsoe the severall last wills and testaments both of my father, Sir Walter Copinger, Knt, deceased, and of my brother, James Copinger, Esquire, deceased. Item - wheras myselfe together with James Lombard and Stephen Copinger came bound vnto Morrice Roch, late Maior of Courke, to the use of the Corporation in the sume of two hundred pounds sterling for the payment and performance of a legacie left by my father, Sir Walter Copinger, Knt, to be desposed of according to the tenor of the point of the will in that behalfe I doe hereby declare and my will is that the said James Lombard and Stephen Copinger shall be discharged and freed of and from the said bond or sume therein contained (because) it is my owne particular debt and that they came bound for me at my earnest request and intreatie. Item - I doe devise and bequeath vnto my servant John Copinger, in regard and consideration of his good and faithfull service heretofore vnto me and to incouradge and ingadge him to be likewise a faithfull and true servant vnto my wife and hereafter the sume of two hundred pounds sterling to be raised and leavyed out of the rents, issues, and profitts of my lands as aforesaid, and doe hereby enioyne my son and heire to see this legacie well and truely payed and performed accordingly, and of this my last will and testament I will and ordaine my wife and my eldest sonne to be executors and of the execution hereof accordingly I hereby apointe John Hore, Esq., now Maior of Courke, and Lombard, Stephen Copinger, John Goold fitz William, Robert Copinger, and Sir Patrick Arthur, overseers and Tutors of my children. Wittness my hand and seale the day and year aforesaid
Being present when the said Dominick
Copinger the testater declared this to
be his last will and testament.
Patrick Galwey
Patrick Arthur
Richard Tirry
John Copinger.DOM. COPINGER
his mark.
There are two inquisitions post mortem of this Dominick, numbered respectively 593 and 594, the 30th October, 1643; the former of the two is the only real inquisition.
Dominick's wife made her Will, dated 22nd March, 1679, which is as follows:-
Will of Mary Copinger, 1679.
In the name of God. Amen. I, Mary Copinger, als Comine, relect of Dominick Copinger, Esqre., deceased, being now in perfect sence, memory, and vnderstanding, but somewhat weake in body, to prevent mortality to which all creatures are subject, doe make this my last will and testament as followeth.
Imprimis - I giue and bequeath my soule to Almighty God my creator, to Jesus Christ my redeemer, and to the holy ghost, &c., three persons and one God, I leaue my body to be buried without expenses or superfluity in or wheresoever my son in law John Roch and my friends shall think fitt.
Item - I name, appoint, and ordaine my said son in law John Roch and Clara Roch als Copinger his wife to be executors of this my last Will and testament, and doe not onely exonerate, acquitt, and discharge them their heires, executors, administrators, and assignes of and from all and singular the rents and arreares of rent in any wise to me apptaineing or belonging out of my dower or thirds in the Barrony of East and West Carberry and Barrony of Barretts by them or any of them received from my respective tenants liveing vppon my said dower or thirds in the said Barronys butt doe likewise leaue and bequeath vnto my said executors and their heires all and singular the arreares of rent which yet are or may be due to me from any of my tennants whatsoever, and doe allow and confirme all ye acquittances which have beene or shall hearafter be giuen by my sonn in law John Roch for my rent or rents, arreare, or arreares, &c.
Item - I leaue and bequeath vnto my said executors John Roch and Clara Roch and their heires all and singular the rent and rents which shall, may, or ought to be hereafter payd vnto me out of my dower or thirds in the said Barronys of East and West Carbery and Barrony of Barretts as if I had named every particular denomination thereof.
Item - I doe leaue and bequeath vnto my said sonn in law John Roch and Clara Roch his wife, the one moytie of what shall be recouered of a bond perfected vnto me by my son James Copinger deceased, of three thousand pounds ster., bearing date the three and twentyeth day of March in the yeare one thousand six hundred sixty and three, oblidgeing himselfe to observe, stand to, and abide the decree, sward, arbitryment, and judgement of Thomas Ryane and Thomas Power, Esqres according to the tennor mentioned lymitted expressed and declared in the condittion of the said Bond, together wh what sume or sumes wch for forebearance or otherwise may or shall be payable or due to me by virtue of the said arbitration made by the said Thomas Ryane and Thomas Power, Esqres, pursuant to the said Bond and the other halfe or moytye of the said bond and interrest thereof to be had and recoured I leaue and bequeath vnto my grantchild and godchild Mary Roch fz John.
Item - I leaue vnto my said Executors and my heires all and singulare the goods, chattles, househould stuffe, plate, lenning, &c., whatsoever, which in any wise did doth or may appertaine vnto me or that I ought to haue any right, title, or interest vnto.
Item - I leaue and ordaine my said executors to pay and discharge all my lawfull debts, and desire they will haue me prayed for soe far and in such manner as they shall think fitt.
Item - I leaue and bequeath vnto my son Walter Copinger and my daughter in law his wife two mourneing rings worth forty shill.
Item - I leaue vnto my son in law Patrick Roch and to my daughter his wife two mourning Rings. Item - I leaue vnto my daughter Also O'Donnoghue one mourneing Ring.
Item - I leaue vnto Doctor Meade one mourneing Ring.
In testimony of this to be my last will and testamoney I doe heare vnto sett my hand or mark the two and twentyeth day of March, in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seaventy and nyne.
Being present
John Irving
William Martell
John Conway.mark
This Will was proved on the 27th October, 1682.
The testatrix was the eldest daughter of David Comyn of the City of Limerick, alderman (who was the eldest son of Nicholas Comyn of the same place, alderman), by Catherine, daughter of Nicholas Arthur of the same city. Her father died at Limerick, 11th March, 1637, and was interred in the Cathederal Church, Limerick. These particulars appear in the funeral certificate entry of the above named, David Comyn, registered in the College of Arms, Dublin, 2nd April, 1638. Fun. Entrs., vol. vii., p. 271.
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