(14) William Copinger


There is a monument to his memory in Allhallows Church Hoo, in the Diocese of Rochester, Kent.  On Brass is the effigy of a man kneeling, with an inscription as follows : -

"Here lyeth buried the body of William Copinger, son of Henry Copinger, Esqr., which William deceased the xxviij day of February, 1594, being of the age of 50 years, and  leaving  Martha, his wife, great with his only child named William Posthumus, born  xxth day of April following.  Martha Monumentum hoc mariti."

On this monument are these arms : - 1.  Three bendlets, surmounted of a fesse charged with three rundles within a border; crest, a ram's head.  2.  The same arms impaling two bendlets in chief, a cross crosslet.  The tomb is in the north chancel of the church, and was the sepulture of the family.  The monument was fixed against the north wall of the chancel, which, being in ruins, and the communication to it from the church stopped up, this beautiful monument was destroyed excepting the plate with the inscription, which Mr. Austin, the Rector of this parish, piously ordered to be put up within the church, as near as could be in a like position against the wall.[1]

The following is a copy of the Will of William:-

Will of William Copinger, 1594.

 In the name of God.  Amen.  The fyue and twentity daye of ffebrvarye and in the seaven and thirthie yere of the raigne of oure most gracious Soveraigne ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of god Queen of England, ffrance, and Ireland, defend. of the faithe, &c.  I, William Copinger, of the parishe of Graine, in the countie of Kent, gentleman, beyng sicke in bodie but of perfect minde and remembrance, praise be giuen to almightie god, do make and ordayne this my last will and testament, in manner and forme folowing.  ffirst and principallie I committ my soule into the handes of almightie god, my savyour and redemer, and my bodie to be buryed in the parishe churche of Allhallowes.  Item, I giue to the poore people of the parishe of Stoke fortie shillinges.  To the poore people of Quinborowe twentie shillinges, and to the poore people of Graine twentie shillinges, to be payed at the feaste of Saint Michaell tharchangell, next comming, after my decease.  Item, I giue to ffrancys Urcella and Elizabeth Randolphe, the daughters of Urcella Randolphe, my sister, to either of them, tenne poundes, to be payed at the feaste of Saint Michaell tharchangell, next comming, after my decease.  Item, I will to Ambrose and ffrancys Copinger, the children of Randulphe Copinger, my brother, to either of them, fyve poundes, to be payed at the daye and tyme as abouesaid.  Item, I giue to Ambrose, Henrie, Robert, John, and Edward Copinger, my brothers, to euery one of them one Spurre Royall, to be payed at the daye and tyme of my buryall.  Item, I giue and bequeathe to the childe which my wife goeth, withall yf it be a sonne yerelie, so soone as he shall come to the age of ffifteene yeres, thirtie poundes ontill suche tyme as he shall come to the age of one and twentie yeres.  And then I give and bequeathe vnto him three hundred poundes, to be payed by my executrix, and yf it be a daughter, I giue and bequeathe onte her the soume of three hundred poundes, to be paied her at the daye of her marriage.  Item, I giue to Alexander, Jane, and Elizabeth Cansten, the children of Richard Cansten, whilest he lived of the parishe of Stoke, to either of them, sixe poundes therteene shillinges fower pence ouer and aboue the bequeathes of theire sayed father mentyoned in his last will and testament to be paied at the ffeaste of Sainct Michaell tharchangell, next comming, after my decease.  Item, I giue to henrie Dod, my servaunte, fyve poundes.  To Thomas Moorland, my servuant, twentie shillinges; and to Richard Bunne, my servuante, twentie shillinges, to be paied at the ffeaste of Saint Michaell tharchangell, next comming, after my decease.  Item, I giue and bequeathe to Elizabeth Benbowe, my servuante, tenne shillinges.  And to Margaret Munckes, my servuante sixe shillings eighte pence to be payed ymediatly after my decease.  Item, I will to William Androwes, my godsonne, twoe mother ewes.  To William Dod, my godsonne, three lambes.  To John Stevens three mother Ewes.  And to Abraham Inenew twoe mother Ewes, to be deliuered at the ffeaste of Sainct Michaell tharchangell, next comming, after my decease.  Item, I giue to Martha, my wife, the whole profit and commoditie of all and euery the landes and tenementes of Alexander Cansten, to me in any wise belonging during the tyme of his minority, in consideracon wherof she to paye, or cause to be payed vnto him the sayed Alexander, the somme of fyue poundes so soone as he shall acomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres, all the residue of my goodes and cattalls whatsoever, as well moueable as vnmoueable, my debtes and legaceys being discharged, I giue to Martha, my wife, whome I make my sole executrix to this my last Will and testament.  And I ordayne Radulphe Copinger, my brother, to be my ouerseer, and he to haue for his paines taking in this behalf fortie shillinges.  In witness wherof to this my last will and testant, I haue subscribed with my oune hand the daye and yere first abouewritten, in the presence of vs William Wheatley, William Hubbert, writer, and John Thomasson.


Proved 14th May, 1594.

[1] Has d Kent vol. I, p. 573.


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