In the name of god. Amen. The xxij. day of the month Novembre in the yer of oure lord god 1512. And in the iiijth yere of the reigne of King henry the viijth. I, William Copynger, Maier of the Citie of London, beyng in my goode and hole mynde, lawde and praysing be vnto almighty god, make, ordeyne, and declare this my psent testament and last will in manr and forme folowing, that is to say, ffirst, I bequethe and comytt my soule to almighty god, my maker and redemer, and to oure blessed lady the virgyn Mary, his moder, and to all the holy company of heven. And my body to be buried in the Chauncell of the pyshe churche of seynt Mildred, in Bred street, of London, where as the body of Agnes, late my wife, lyeth buryed, and after my body buried than I will that first and formost all and singuler debts whiche of right I owe to any persone or persones be well and truely content and paid or else provided so to be doon. And after my debts so paid than I will that all and singular my goodes, catalls, jewells, and debts, and also plate shalbe equally devided and depted into two equal pties, whereof one part thereof I geve and bequeth vnto Margaret, my wife to haue vnto her for her full part and porcion of my goodes to her Dewe and belonging, according to the rules and constitutione of the Citie of London. And the other part and porcion of my saide goodes, catalls, jewells, plate, and debts, I will shall holey remayn to myn executour vnderwritten therwt to pfourme, accomplisshe, and fulfill the legacies, and bequests and other charges of this my psent testament herafter following, that is to witt, ffirst I bequeath to the highe aulter of the pysshe churche of seynt Mildred aforesaid for my tithes and offerings forgoten and necligently wtholden if any suche be in dischargement of my soule and conscience xs. Also I will that there be purveyed and ordeyned xxiiij. convenyent and clenly torches of Wax and iiij. taxs of wax, every of theym to be of the weight of xxli. to breune aboute my body the daye of my burying and mase of Requiem, and at my moneths mynde.[1] And after my moneths mynde finysshed and doon I will that all the said torches of wax shalbe deliuered and disposed in man and forme ensuyng, that is to witt, I bequeath two of the same torches to the forsaid prsshe churche of seynt Mildred and ij. of theym to the prsshe church of seynt Nichas Cold abbey in London. And oon of them to the pyshe of seynt Nicholas Olave beside olde ffyshestret of London. And another of theym to the pyshe church of the holy Trynitie in Knyghtryder stret of London. And ij. of them to the pyshe churche of seynt Mary Magdalyn in old fyshstret of London. And ij. of theym to the pyshe church of seynt Michell at Quenhithe of London. And ij. of theym to the pyshe church of seynt Mary Somersett. And another of theym to the pyshe churche of seynt Mary Mouthoute [Mounthaw] beside old fyshstret. And ij. of the saide torches and oon tap to the house and churche of the freers precheours in London to breune at the high aulter and xxs. And other ij. of theym to the pryour and covent of the churche of White freers in fflet‑stret of London and xiijs. iiijd. And other ij. of theym to the Wardeyn and Covent of the freer minors of London and xiijs. iiijd. And other ij. of theym to the house and churche of the freer Augustyns of London, and xiijs. iijd. And ij. of them to be sett before the ymage of seynte pawle at the highe aulter of the Cathedrall churche of seynt pawle of London to breune there in thonor and worship of god and seynt pawle at tyme of divine service to be said and doon in the said cathedrall churche as long as they shall endure. And the iiijth tap to be sett afore the ymage of seynt Mildred in the said pyshe churche of seynt Mildred to breune there in lykewise. Also I bequeth to the olde wall of the cathedrall churche of seynt Pawle aforesaid xxs. Item, I bequeth to the pryer and covent of the Crutched freers beside the Towre of London to thentent that they praye for my soule a torche and xs. Item, I bequeth to the Wardeyns and covent of the freers observantes of Grenewiche to the said entent a torche and xs. Also I bequeth to the freers observantes in Richmond in lykewise a torche and xs. Item, I geve and bequeth vnto the forsaid pyshe church of seynt Mildred ij. basyns of silv marked wt my marke and a senser of silv to be of as goode value as the censer whiche belongeth at this daye to the same pyshe churche. Item, I geve and bequeth to the works of the churche of seynt Thomas of Acon in Westchepe of London xls. Also I bequeth to every poore prisoner beyng wtin the prysones vnderwritten, that is to saye Newgate, Ludgate, the ij. counters in Bredstret and the pultrey in London, a penny of silv to be deliuered vnto theym vpon the daye of my decesse if it may be so convenyently done or else as sone after may be don. Also I bequeth to euery secke man beyng wtin the laser houses next aboute the citie of London, a peny of silv to be deliuered vnto theym in lykewise as is aforesaide. Also I will that an honest and an able preest of goode and vertuous conversacion be found to syng for my soule and for the soules of my fader and moder, the soule of Agnes, late my wife, my frendes soules, and all cristen soules in the pyshe churche of seynt Mildred aforsaid at ye high aulter of the same churche by the space of v. yeres next ensuyng my decesse, and I will that the same preest shalbe at devine service to be saide and doon in the saide pyshe churche by the space aforesaid. Also I will that the same preest that soo shall syng for my soule and the soules aforesaid shall euery day whereon he saith masse at his lavetary saye for my soule and the soules aforesaid, the psalme of De profundis wt the collect of Inclina dne etc. Also I bequeth to the same preest for his salary and wags for euery yere of the said x. yeres vili. xiis. iiijd. Also I will that all suche somes of money as is due to me by oon John Rogers the daye of making herof shall holly remayne vnto Alice Petit, my susters doughter, dwelling wt Master Blagg to be deliuered to her the daye of her mariage. Also I pardon and release to the pryour of Ledes in Kent xis. of that duetie which he oweth to me to praye to god specially for my soule and the soules aforsaid. And I geve and bequeth to euery chanon of the same place to the same entent iijs. 111jd. Also I will that my said Executor provide and ordeyne for blake clothe to be geuen to all suche of my kyndred and other my suents as well to theym that be nowe in my suice as to theym that be owte of my suice, and that their gounes soo bought may be made redy for theym to were agenst the day of my burying or moneths mynde as shalbe thought best by the advice of my said executor. Also I will that William Nicholson of London, Wexchaundeler, now dwelling in the forsaid pyshe of seynt Mildred be preferred befre any other psone or psones to the making, providing, and orderying of all the torches and taxs of waxs that shalbe spent and occupyed at tyme of my burying and moneths mynde. Also I bequeth to olde moder Isabell that dwelleth wtin my house for a blake goune pure viijs. And I will that myn executor vnderwritten geve and paye vnto her euery weeke, wekely, after my decesse, during her naturall lif, viijd. towards her relieff and comforth. Item, I bequeth to John Blessed a goune of blake of the value of viijs. Item, I geve vnto Ellyn, my suent, so that she be orderly and ruled by myn executor, to be deliuered to her the daye of her maryage, iijli. vis. viijd. Item, I geve and bequeth vnto Ricd. Alcoke, my suent, xxs. Item, I geve and bequeth vnto Andrewe Coke, xxs. It. I bequeth to William Copynger, my suent, which dwelleth wt me in suice, xli., and to his wife v. marks, yf the said William be content to cotynue in suice wt my said wife or with my said executor, than I will that the same William shal haue yerely for his salary and wags as long as he shall so contynew in suice, xis. and a gowne. Item, I geve and bequeth vnto William Petytt the younger, iiili. vj]. viijd., whiche I will shalbe towards his exhibicion to scole or otherwise to his most pfitt as by the aduise of my said executor shalbe thought most best for the profitt of the same William Petytt. Item, I geve and bequeth to the repacion of the body of the pyshe church of seynt Nicholas cold abbey in old fysshestrete of London for as moche as the pson and the pyshons of the same pyshe kyndley and lovingly certeyn yeres suffered oon Beatrice Stokton, wedowe, to whom I was executor vnto, to haue a wyndow or a light oute of the house that she dwelled yn into the said pyshe church of seynt Nichas iijli. vis. viijd. Item, I geve and bequeth vnto f. Charles preest for v yards of blake clothe for a goune and a hode, xxxiijs. iiijd. And euery yere as long as the same f. Charles shall contynewe oon of the preests of the feleship of fysshemoges, xxvjs. viiijd., that is to sey euery qrter, vis. viiijd. And off this this my psent testament and last Will I make and ordeyne Rauff Symonds, citezen and ffyshemonger of London, myn executor. And I bequeth to the said Rauff Symonds for his labor in the premisses to be had xli. sterl. And I make and ordeyne myn ouerseers of the same my testament and last will, Nicholas Mattoke, ffisshmonger and chamberleyn of London, and Richard Gad, citizen and Alderman of London. Item, I bequeth to euery of the same Nichas Mattoke and Richard Gad, for their labour in the prmysses to be had a blacke gowne, v marks sterlinge. The residewe of all my goodes, movevable and vnmovevable after my debts paid the costs of my burying and moneths mynde doon, and this my present testament and last Will in all things fulfilled holly, I geve and bequeth to the forsaid Raff Symonds and Thomasyn, his wife, they therwt to doo and dispose there oune free will and pleasure as wt their oune propre goods for euermore. Geuen the day and yere abouesaid. This is the last Will of me William Copynger made and declared the xxij day of the moneth of November in the yere of our Lorde god, 1512, and in the iiij yere of the reigne of King Henry the viij. as to the disposicon of all and and singuler my manors lands and tents, and rents whiche I nowe haue or am possessed in of or any other psone or psones feased to myn use as well wtin the citie of London as the counties of Kent and Suff. as ellys where wtin the realme of England in manr and forme following, that is to sey, ffirst, I geve and bequethe vnto the Wardeyns and feliship of the craft or mistere of ffisshimongers of London, all that my tente with thappurtes called the leden porche sett and lying in the churche of seynt Kateryn colman of London whiche I late purchased and bought of oon James Newby Sherman and a shope wt a soler standing and beyng in oldefisshestrete of London, whiche I late purchased and bought of oon Symston Dyer, to haue and to hold the said tente, shope, and soler, with the appurts to the said Wardeyns and feliship and to their successours Wardeyns for euermore to thentent and vnder condicion hereafter ensuyng, that is to wite, I will that the said Wardeyns and their successors Wardeyns of the said crafte for euermore shall doo, fynde, and kepe yerely after my decesse, that is to wite, the daye of the moneth that it shall fortune me to decesse on an yerely obitt or anniuesary solemply by note wtin the pyshe churche of seynt Mildred of London for my soule, the soule of Agnes, late my wife, the soules of our benefactours and all cristen soules, and I will that the said Wardeyns of the said feliship of ffisshmongers for the tyme beyng content and paye yerely at my said obitt or anniuersary vnto the pson and churche wardeyns of the said pyshe churche of seynt Mildred, xs. sterlinge they to distribute and dispose the same in manr and forme ensuying, that is to witte, to the pson or to his deputie then beyng, viijd., and to three other preests of the same churche, xviijd., that is to sey, to euery of theym, vid., and to euery preest of the ij preests belonging to the said feliship of ffisshmongers and conveynt wt the same feliship to my said obitt or anniuersary, iiijd. Item, to the clerke of the same pyshe churche, for his salary and for his syngyng, viijd. Item for ij taxs and the wast of the same taxs, viiijd. Item, to iiij children helping in the choir, viiijd. And I will that there be distributed amonge theym that serve the choir at euery obitt by the ouersight of the curate and churchwardeyns, in brede and drynke, xijd. And the residue of this said xs. I wold that it shalbe distributed and disposed amonge the poor householders of the said pyshe of seynt Mildred by the advise of the curat or churchwardeyns of the same churche, and by the oversight of that psone that shall fortune to dwell in the house that I nowe dwell yn, wtin the same pyshe, if it please hym of his charitie soo for to doo. Also I will that the said Wardeyns of the said crafte or mistere of ffysshmongers and their successours wardeyns for the tyme beyng distribute and dispose yerely at euery of my said obitts or anniuersaries, xxiijs. iiijd. sterlinge, that is to say, to euery of the said wardyns being at my said obitt or anniuersary, xxd., and to xx. psons of the moost aunciente of the said feliship, beyng in their liuery at the same obitt or anniuersary, xiijs. iiijd., that is to sey, to euery of them viijd. And I will and ordeyne by this my last will that if the said Wardeyns of the said craft or mistere of ffisshmongers or their successours, wardyns for the tyme beyng, defavote any tyme hereafter in keeping my said obitt or anniuersary, or defaulte in distributyng and dealing of the said xxiijs. iiijd., or any pte thereof, contrary to the forme aforsiad, That then the said tente shop soler and other the pmisses with thappurces shall holly remayne vnto the said pson and churche wardeyns of the said pyshe churche of seynt Mildred, and to their successours pson and churchwardeyns for the tyme beyng, for euermore, to thintent and vnder condicion that the said pson and churchwardeyns, and their successours psons and churchwardeyns for the tyme beyng for euermore, shall kepe, fynde, and maynteyne my said obite or anniuersary in the said pyshe church of seynt Mildred, and also content and paye all and euery thing in like manr and forme as I haue before made, willed, declared, and disposed to be doon by the said wardeyns of the said feliship of ffisshmongers and their successors, for my soule and the soules aforesaid. Also I will that all my lands and tents, rents and heres, wt thappntcs which I haue in Devington, preston, and ffaversham, in the county of Kent, shall be aliened and sold by myn executor named in the saide testament annexed to this my last will, for the most profitt and advauntage that he can. And the money thereofcomyng holly to remayn to my said executor, towards the contentacion and payment of my Debts, and of my said legacies and bequests named and bequeathed in my said testament. Also I will that Margaret my wife haue all that my manor wt thappurtes called Est Sutton, in the countie of Kent, and all my lands and tenemts in Sutton aforsaid, to haue and to hold the said manor lands and tents, with the appurces, to the sd Margaret and to her assignes, during the naturall life of the said Margaret, soo alwey that the said Margaret nor her heirs in nowise doo nor make any manr of strepe or wast in and uppon the same manor lands, tents, wt thappurces, during her said lif, and after the decesse of the said Margaret my wif, then I will that the same manor lands and tents, wt thappurces, shall holly remayn to the pryor and covent of the house or priory of Chanons, of our blessed lady of seynt Nichas of lede, in the said county of Kent, To haue and to holde the same manor lands and tents, wt their appurces, to the said pryor and covent and to theyre successors for euermore, vnder condicion and intent hereafter ensuyng, that is to witt, that the said pryor and covent or their successors, at their propre costs and charge, wtin oon yere next ensuyng [that is to witt, that the said pryor and covent or their successors at their propre costs and charge, wtin oon yere next ensuying], the decessee of the said Margaret my wif, shall optayne and gett the king's licence and graunt by his gracious letters sealed vnder his great seale to mortmayne the said manor lands and tenents, wt thappururces, to the said pryor and covent to their successors for euermore. And that the said pryor or covent or their successors, or certeyn attorney, wtin the said oon yere nexte ensuying the decesse of the said Margaret my wif, shall well and truely paye or doo to be paid to my said executor or to his executor, or certeyn attorney, vc mrks sterling, of the whiche said some of vc marks I will and ordeyn by this my last will that my sd executor shall well and truely content and paye or doo to be paid vnto my nevew John Copynger, sonne and heyre of my brother Walter Copynger, an hundreth pounds sterlinge. Item, to my nevew Thos. Copynger, brother of the said John Copynger, and oon of the sonnes of the said Walter my brother, oon hundreth pounds. And ffyfty pounds ou and aboue the said some of ccli. I will shalbe distributed amonge other the next psones of my kynne by the discrecion of my said executor. And the Residue of the said vc mrks I woll shall holly remayne to my said executor and his assignes. And if caas be that the same pryor and covent paye not the said some of vc mrks sterlinge for the same manor lands and tentes, wt thappures, to my said executor or his assignes, of that the said pryor and covent cannot opteyne and gett licence of our said souan lord the king to mortmayne the said manor lands and tentes, wt th appures, in forme as is aforesaid, than I woll that the said manor lands and tenets, wt th appures, holly remayn vnto Rauff Symonds, citezen and ffishmonger of London, and Thomasyn his wif, and to their heyres and assignes, in fee for euermore, so alwey that the said Rauff and Thomasyn, their executors and assignes, well and truely paye and doo to be paid to the said John Copynger cli. Item, to the said Thomas Copynger, cli. And amonge other the next of my kynne, in forme as is aforsaid, lli. Also I woll that all my free lands and my customary lands lying in Colsret, in the county of Suff., which I purchased of the pryor of ffellistow and of the Duches of Norff., shall holly remayn vnto the said Thomas Copynger, the sone of Walter Copynger, my broder, to haue and to holde the same lands and tents, wth thappurts, vnto the said Thomas, and to the heyres males of his body lawfully begoten, and for defaute of suche yssue the remaynder therof to the said Rauff Symonds and Thomasyn his wife, and to the heyres of their two bodies betwene theym lawfully begoten, and for defaulte of such yssue I woll that the said lands and tenets be sold by myn said executor for the moost advauntage yt he can or may, and the money comying of the same sale I woll shalbe distributed and disposed for my soule, and for ye soules of my fader and moder, my wiff's soule, and all my good frends' soules, and all xpen soules, in masses to be said and singen, in releving of poore people, toward poore maydens' mariage, and in other goode works of charitie, by the discrecion of my said executor. Also I will that Rauff Symonds and Thomasyn his wife haue my tente and pyk gardeyn, wt all their appurces, sett and lying vpon the Steve Banke, next the Chames [Thames], in the countie of Surry, which Edward Cheseman, gentleman, late helde and occupied. To haue and to holde the said tente and gardeyn, wt thappurces, to the said Rauff Symonds and Thomasyn his wife, and to their heyres and assignes for euermore, to thentent that they shall favourably, diligent, and kynde indevorying theym to see that my testament and last will may be executed and truely proved, obserued, and kept, according to the tenor, forme, and effect of the same. Item, I woll that Alyanore, my sister, the wife of John Rogers, haue my tent called ffletts, the which I pchased and bought of her fader, to haue and to holde vnto the said Alyanore, and to her heyres and assignes for euermore. Also I woll that my brother Walter Copynger and Beatrice his wife haue all my lands and tenets, rents and suices, called ffawsebornys, wt all their appurces, sett, lying, and beying in Boksall, Hecham, and Bretnam, in the countie of Suff. To haue and to hold all the foresaid lands, tenets, rents, and suices, wt the appurces, to the foresaid Walter Copynger and Beatrice his wife during their naturall liffe, and the lyves of euery of theym longest lyving. And after the decesse of the saide Walter and Beatrice I woll that all the said lands and tents and other the premes, wt the appuces, holly remayn vnto the said John Copynger, son and heyre of the said Walter, and to his heyres males of his body lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of such yssue the remayndre therof to the heyres generall of the said Wall Copynger my broder, to haue and to holde vnto theym and to theire heyres and assignes in fee for euermore. Also I woll that all my lands and tents, rents, reversions, and suices, wt all and singuler the appurces whiche I haue wtin the tounes and pyshes of Newenton, herslopp, halstowe, Vpchurche, and heywade, in the countie of Kent, shall holly remayn vnto the said John Copynger, sonne of my broder Walter Copynger, and to the heyres males of his body lawfully begoten, and for defawte of suche yssue I woll that the same lands, tents, and other the premises wt the appurts holly remayn vnto the said Thomas Copynger, brother of the said John Copynger and to the heyres males of his body lawfully begotten. And for defawte of suche yssue I woll that all the said lands and tents wt the appurts in the said tounes and pyshes of Newenton, herslopp, halstowe, Vpchurhce, and heywade, holly remayn vnto William Petytt the younger and to his heyres males of his body lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue than I woll that all the aforsaid lands and tent and other the premises wt the appurces, holly remayne vnto the right heyres of me the said William Copynger. In witnese wherof to this my psent testament and last Will I haue sett my seale and subscribed my name upon the daye and yere abouesaide.
[1] Moneths Mynde. The service used on the anniversary of testator's death was called his year's mind; the month after was called his month's mind; and the week after his week's mind. These services were thought to benefit the souls of the dead.
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