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In the Add. MSS., Brit. Mus. 16,279, in the pedigree of Thomas Copinger, of Derrington, Co. Kent, this John is stated to have been Master of the Wardes, and in the Davy collection for Suffolk a similar statement is made. Add. MSS., B. M. 19,124. He is further stated to have been Lieutenant of the Tower, Master of the Mint, Groom of the Robes, and Senior Gentleman Usher to Henry VIII.
It appears from Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, vol. i., p.74, that John Copinger was a Warden of the Mint "4 Henry VIII. John Coppinger Custos Cambri et Monete et Cunagiorum auri et argenti." Warton's Hist. of Lt. T. Pope, app. No. 3, Coppinger resigned in favour of Pope. Ib. p.9. This is no doubt the same John Copinger who was Senior Proctor 1517, 9 Henry VIII.[1]
In the Cookham Court Rolls Co. Berks : "D'na Regina dedit xij fagos percipiendos in nemoribus vocatis Inwoods, in Dominiis de Cokeham et Bray, Johanni Copynger garcioni Wardropić D'ni Regis, cujus datus est vjto die Februarii ao R. H. viii. decimo quarto."
"Ric'us Radyske est Woodwardus ibidem." And a warrant from Queen Catharine of Arragon, dated 6th February, 1523, is annexed to these Court Rolls. It is the original document, but the signet of red wax is gone :
By the Quene.
We woll and comaunde you, forthwt vpon the sight hereof, to delyuere, or do to bee deliuered, vnto or welbiloued John Copynger, Grome of my Lord's Roobes, or to his assignees, Twelve Beches for fuell, wt the loppes and toppes of the same, to bee taken of or gift witht in or woods called Inwoods in or Lordship of Cokeham & Bray, in the Countie of Berks: any restraint or comaundement had or made to the contrary herof notwithstanding; and these or l'res shalbe your sufficient waraunt and discharge in this behalf. Geuen vnder or signet at the Manor of Grenewiche the vjth day of February the xiiij yere of my said Lord's Reigne [1523]. "To or Baillif's Woodward, and kepers of or woods called Inwoods in or Lordship of Cokeham & Bray & in thair absence to thayr deputyes there and to eurey of theym.
The following is a copy of his Will :-
Will of Johannis Copynger, 1539.
In the name of God. Amen. The vij daye of May in the xxxi yere of king henry the viij and in the yere of our Lord god 1539. I, John Copynger, esquier, being in good helthe and pfte mynde, do make and ordeyn this my present Testament and last will in manner and forme folowing, ffirst, I giue and bequeth my soule vnto almighty god my creatour and redemor, and to his blessyd mother our Lady saynt Mary virgyne, and to all the company of hevyn, and my body to be buryed wtin the prshe churche of the pyhe where yt shall fortune me to deceasse. And I giue and bequeth to the high aulter of the pyshe churche of alhalows where I dwell for my tythes and oblacions necligently forgotten or wtholden a newe Rounde canopye to hang the sacrament in and a payre of curteins for the saide highe aulter of Blewe redd & yelowe wt zxoy worke to the same wch shalbe paynted wt my armes. Item, I giue vnto Alice Musle and also Alic Asshurs yf they be lyvyng either of them xs. Item, I giue vnto my doughter Thomysyn at the daye of her marriage xlli. Item, to Anne, my doughter xx markes. Item, to Elisabeth my daughter xx markes. Item to Margaret my daughter xx markes. Item I giue vnto Henry my sonne my house at Buxhall with all such of household and other implements as yt standes and according as yt apperes be an inventory theof nade betwen Richard Whelard and me being truyly there and whiche said Inventory dothe remayn in a lytle plated coffer in my ffather's chambr there amonge other wrytinge, the key whereof wt other keys of the house as my wyfe knowes where. Item, I giue vnto Rauf my youngest sonne xls. a yere till the some of vjli. xiijs. iiijd. be paide to hym be thands of myn executour. Item, I will that my wyfe shall recyve and haue the (--) of the hundred pounds to be had of Sir Thomas Jermyn, Knight, for his mariage of his daughter at suche dayes of payment as doth appere be convennte to this intent to se my daughters, and this my last will pformyd and bestowed. Also, I wolle that myn executours to giue in almes to the most porest people xxs. with a drinking and refreshment in the pyshe of Allhalows. Also, I will ther be a howse preest to sing masse dayly the space of a quarter of a yere for my soule and all Christen soules, at the place and church where I am buryed, and he to haue for his labor and wages ffyve nobles. Item, I bequeth to Raus Copynger my leasse of Olney, yf it may stande by the kings lawys to mak therof his most advauntage. Item, I giue and bequeth to Rose Copynger after my wyffs deceasse, the leasse of the psonage of Alhalowes and six payer of almayne revetts furneshed, one howuse for a Do howuse furnesshed, six houses, six shes of arowes, vj white cole furneshed for the waxx, a blak hate of fethers, a swerd, two halbards, vj yellow hatte trymed wt fethrs of redd and yelowe. And of this my present testament and last Will I do mak and ordyn Jane my wyfe my sole executrix, and I giue her full authoryte and power for thadmistracon of the same, to whom I do giue all my goodes moveable and vnmoveable, except before excepted, to do therwtall at her pleasure and wylle wt the psonage of Alhalows and the farme of Mr. Wyot during her lyfe. And after her deceas to Rause Copynger towards his livyng. And also I do mak and ordayn my brother Rause Symonds, ffishmonger of London, to be myn overseer of this my present Testamnet, whome I hartely requyre bothe to ayd and assist the said Janne in the execucion of the same. And for his paynes and labor I do giue and bequeth vli. And also I bequthe vnto my suster, Symonds wyfe, aprenar trymed wt golde and covered with Russet velvet. In witnes hereof I haue subscrybed my name and putte my seale the daie and yere abouesaid.
Proved 26th January, 1540.
John, who is in a pedigree in parchment dated 1588, by Rob. Reeve, of Lowestoff, described as of the Parish of Hoo, in Kent, married Jane, only daughter and sole heiress of William Bond, of London, Clerk of the Green Cloth to Henry VII., by Anna Alphage, only daughter and heiress of John Alphage, als Alphew de Boore, of the Co. of Kent, Esq., who died 4 Henry VII., and Isabella, daughter and heiress of Rice Petit, Esq., and in consequence of this marriage the Copingers quartered the arms of -
Bond, arg. 2 bends sable in sinister chief, a croslet of the second.
Alphagge or Alphew, arg, a fesse betw., three boars' heads couped sa.
And Petit or Pettyt, arg. a chevron engrailed gu., between three bugle horns sa. stringed gu.
[1] Le Neve, 392.
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