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He succeeded his father as Lord of the Manor of Buxhall. He married Mary, the daughter of Henry Herris, of Shenfield, in Essex, gent., and of Mary, his wife, the daughter of Sir Harbottle Grimston, Bart., and Elizabeth, his wife, who was a daughter of Ralph Copinger, of Stoke in Hoo, Co. Kent. He died on the 4th of October, 1675, and was buried in the chancel of the Church of Buxhall, where, on a black marble slab, is this inscription to his memory in capitals : -
(Arms : Copinger impaling Herris, on a bend wavy, three estoilettes.)
Henrici Copinger Armri
hic habes totum qd cælum n'habet.
Qui uxorem duxit Mariam, filiam Hri Herris
de VillâShenfield in agro Essexiensi, Armri
ex qua sustulit quinquies quaterq. puerperâ;
superstites filium filasq. tres.
Hos omnes, licet charissimos, lubens reliquit
Xris die IV. Ano Dni. MDCLXXVo
Properavit scilt quo sanctius celebraret
Maximum cum superis natale. Ætats ano LIVo
Hoc monumentum dicta Maria
Pietatis ergo posuit.
The following is a copy of Henry's Will :
Will of Henry Copinger, 1675.
In the name of God. Amen. I, Henry Copinger of Buxhall, in the County of Suffolk, Esq., though at this present sicke in body yett praised be to God of good and perfect memory, revoking all former wills, doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. As for my body I committ to the earth from whence it came and desire to have it interred amongst my ancestors in the parish church of Buxhall aforesaid with decency and privacy. And concerning my worldly estate I dispose thereof as followeth. ffirst, my will and desire is that Mary, my dear wife, shall have and enjoy without interruption during her lyfe, all such lands as are heretofore settled vpon her in jointure, wch considering my estate being faire and large I need not make any augmentation thereunto and yett as a testimony of my love, I give unto her all my silver plate of what nature soever to be at her absolute dispose. Item, I give and bequeath vnto my eldest daughter Elizabeth, the sume of ffive hundred pounds, the same to be payd to her by Henry my sonne, his heires, executors, or administrators, or to her executors or administrators within six months next after my decease. And yf default shall be made in payment of the same or any part thereof to the said Elizabeth, her executors, or administrators at the time aforesaid then my will is that the said Elizabeth, her executors, administrators, and assignes shall enter into all that messuage and farme and all the lands thereunto belonging or thereunto used, with there and every of their appurtenances scituate in Buxhall aforesaid, now in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Pelborowe, and to take and receive the rents and profitts thereof to her and their owne use without any accompt to be given for the same. And yf the said ffive hundred pounds shall not be payd to the said Elizabeth my daughter, her executors, or administrators within three yeares next after my decease, Then I give and bequeath the said messuage and ffarme, with the lands appurtenant thereunto belonging in the ocupacon of the said Thos. Pilborowe vnto the said Elizabeth my daughter, her heires, and assignes for ever absolutely and without any redemption. Provided nevertheless that vpon payment of the said ffive hundred pounds the said Elizabeth, her executors, or administrators doe give a sufficient acquittance and discharge for ffifty pounds that was left in my hands for her by her loveing grandmother Mrs Elizabeth Herris. Item, I give and bequeath vnto my daughter Mary the sume of ffive hundred pounds, the same to be payd vnto her by my sonne Henry, his heires, executors, or administrators at her age of nyneteene yeares yf she shall be then liveing and not otherwise. And yf default shall be made in the payment thereof at her age aforesaid, then my will is that the said Mary my daughter her executors and administrators shall enter into all that messuage and farme called Buxhall Hall and all the lands thereunto belonging or therewith used now in the tenure and occupation of Edward Everson and Thomas Kite and into the house and Windmill with the appurtenances in Buxhall aforesaid, in the occupation of Charles Pollard, and take and receive the rents and proffits of them and every of them to her and their oune use without any accompt to be given for the same. And yf the said ffive hundred pound shall not be payd to the said Mary her executors or assignes, within three yeares next after she shall have accomplished her age of nyneteen yeares, then I give the said messuage, ffarme, and lands last before mentioned and the said house and Windmill, with their and every of their appurtenances unto the sayd Mary my daughter her heires and assignes absolutely and without any redemption,and I doe further give and bequeath vnto the said Mary my daughter for and towards her maintenance and education vntill she shall attain the said age of nyneteene yeares, one annuity or yearely rent charge of twenty pounds the same to be issuing and goeing out of the said messuage, farme, and lands, and the said house and mill last mentioned, and to be payd to her and her assignes in or at my now mansion house called ffasborne in Buxhall aforesaid vpon the feasts of St. Michaell the Arch Angell and the annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary, by even and equall portions, the first payment to begin at which of the said feasts shall happen next after my decease. And yf it shall happen the said annuity in part or in whole to behinde and vnpaid by the space of fforty dayes next after the severall feasts or dayes of payment aforsaid that then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Mary and her assignes to distrayne in the said farme, messuage, and lands, and the sayd house and mill last mentioned, and every or any of them, and the distresse and distresses soe taken to deteine and keepe vntil she be fully satisfied the arrearyes thereof and all costs and charges she shall be putt vnto or susteine in or about the same. Item, I give and bequeath vnto Anne my daughter the sume of ffive hundred pounds the same to be payd vnto her by my said sonne Henry, his heires, executors, or administrators at her age of nyneteene yeares yf she shall be then liveing and not otherwise. And yf default shall be made in payment thereof to her at the age aforsaid then my will is that the said Anne my daughter, her executors, administrators, and assignes shall enter into all that my messuage and farme and the lands thereto belonging in Buxhall aforesaid, late in the occupation of William Wade, and into the messuage and farme called and the lands thereto belonging conteining about seaventeene acres late in myne owne occupation, the little house with the appurtenances in the occupation of Chas. Scofield, all the lands called Millfeild conteining about 20 acres now in the occupation of Edwd Everson, and into the messuage and farme called Tynkers, with the lands thereto belonging conteining about six acres, now in the occupation of ------- with their and every of their appurtenances, and take and receive the rents and profitts of them and every of them to her and their owne use without any accompt to be rendered for the same. And yf the said ffive hundred pounds shall not be payd to the said Anne, her executors and administrators, within three yeares next after she shall have accomplished the age of nyneteene yeares then I give all and singular the said last mentioned messuages, farmes, and lands with their and every of their appurtenances vnto the said Anne my daughter, her heires and assignes for ever, absolutely and without any equitable redemption, provided nevertheless that vpon the payment of the said ffive hundred pounds the said Anne her executors or administrators doe give a sufficient aquittance and discharge to my executor for one hundred pounds that was left in my hands for her by the said Mrs. Elizabeth Herris, her grandmother. And I doe further give vnto the said Anne my daughter for and towards her maintenance and education vntill she shall attaine the said age of nyneteene yeares one annuity or yearely rent charge of twenty pounds the same to be issuinge and goeing out of the said messuages, farmes, and lands last mentioned given vnto the said Anne as aforesaid, and the same to be payd vnto her and her assignes at the severall times and place appointed for the payment of the said annuity to my said daughter Mary and with like libtie and power to distreine for the same, and the arrerayes thereof and all the costs and charges that she shall susteyne or be putt vnto in or aboute the same in and vpon the same messuage, farmes, and lands, soe given vnto the said Anne my daughter as aforesaid as my said daughter Mary have for the said annuity out of the said farmes and lands as aforesaid devised to her. Item, I give vnto my loveing uncle, Mr. Henry Copinger, of Lavenham, one annuity of fforty shillings a yeare, to be payd vnto him vpon the first day of May, yearely, during his lyfe, and the first payment thereof to begin vpon the first day of May next after my decease, the same to be payd by the said Henry, my sonne, and his heires, the which I hope they will duely pay him. Item, I give and bequeath vnto the said Mary, my daughter, all and singular my freehold lands and tenements, in Lavenham, in the county aforesaid, which late were the lands and tenements of Thos. Copinger Clerke, my uncle, deceased, to hold to her the said Mary and her heirs for ever. Item, I give and bequeath vnto the said Anne, my daughter, all those my marshes or marsh grounds, and all other my lands and tenements in the parishes of Shopland and Sutton, in the Island of ffowlnes, or in any of them in the County of Essex, with all and singular the ffishings fowlings, creeke, oase, salte lands, wrecks of the sea, liberties, Royalties, wayes, easements, profitts, commodities and advantages thereunto belonging or appertaining. To hold to her the said Anne, my daughter, and her heires imediately from and after the estate of Mary, my wife, therein shall be ended. Item, I give and bequeath vnto William Copinger, my nephew, the sonne of William Copinger Clerk, my brother, the next avoydance, donacon, and right of presentation of and in the Rectory and Parish Church of Buxhall, aforesaid, together with all the tythes, obrvencon, oblacons, and other duties and profitts thereunto incident yf the said William, my nephew, shall fortune to survive the said William, his father, the psent incumbent there. Item, whereas the said Thomas Copinger, my uncle, in and by his last will and Testament did appoint or give and bequeath divers ffreehold and copihold lands in Lavenham, aforesaid, to be sold by his brother, Mr. ffrancis Copinger, and out of the moneys thereof ariseing did give and bequeath divers legacies to diver of his kindred amounting in the whole to about six hundred pounds, which said ffrancis Copinger afterwards dyed in the lyfetime of the sayd Thomas, and all the said lands by right of inheritance descended vnto me, notwithstanding that all the said legacies may be payd in such manner and forme as the same would have been payable by the said ffrancis, his executors or administrators, had he lived and taken vpon him the trust thereof according to the authority intended by the said Will, together with interest for the same after the rate of ffoure pounds p annum from the feast day of St. Michaell, Tharchangell, last past. I give and bequeath vnto my worthy and loveing friend, Sir George Weniers, Kt.,[1] and my loveing brother, William Copinger Clerke, and to the executors and administrators of the survivor of them all that my manor of Buxhall with the rights, members, and appurtenances, the demesne land now in my owne hands, prcell of land belonging to the said mannor excepted, and all those my wood grounds called Pyeswood,[2] and other my wood grounds in Buxhall aforesaid, to hold to them the said Sir George Wenive, and William Copinger, my brother, and the executors and administrators of the survivor of them for the terme of fforty yeares next after my decease vpon trust and confidence that out of the rents and profitts of the said Manor except before excepted and the said Wood grounds, they the said Sir George Wenieve and William Copinger my brother, and the executors and administrators of the survivor of them shall raise all and every the legacies aforesaid which by the sayd Will of my said Deceased Uncle Thomas Copinger would have become payable by the said ffrancis Copinger, his executors and administrators, had he lived and taken vpon him the trust thereof, Together with interest after the rate of ffoure pounds p. c. p. an. from the said feast day of St. Michaell Th'archangell last past for the same, and shall satisfy and pay the same to the respective psons. to whom the same in the said Will are appointed to be payd. And vpon further trust and confidence that they the said Sir George Wenieve and William Copinger my brother, and the executors and administrators of the survivor of them, shall pay all the overplus of the said Rents and profitts by them to be received as aforsaid to Henry Copinger, my sonne, his heirs and assignes their oune damages, charges and expences in the execution of the said trust being deducted out thereof. Provided notwithstanding that yf the said Henry Copinger my sonne, his heirs and assignes, shall well and truly satisfy and pay all and every the said legacies soe as aforesaid out of the rents and profitts of the said Mannor (except before excepted) and wood grounds appointed to be payd, and such interest thereof as aforesaid according to the true meaneing of this my will that then and from thenceforth the said term of fforty yeares of and in the said Mannor (except before excepted) and wood grounds as aforesaid devised to the said Sir George Wenieve and William Copinger, and the survivor of them, and the executors and administrators of the survivor of them shall cease and determine. And then my will and meaneing is that all the rents and profitts that out of the said Mannor and wood grounds shall be received by the said Sir George Wenieve and William Copinger, or either of them, or the executors or assignes of either of them shall be payd to the said Henry Copinger my sonne, his heires and assignes, their owne charges, damages, and expenses in the execution of the said trust being first deducted. Item, I give and bequeath unto Thomas Copinger, sonne of the said William, my brother, the sume of twenty shillings, to be payd within one month next after my decease. Item, I appoint ffive pounds to be payd within three months after my decease to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of Buxhall aforesaid to be by them distributed indifferent amongst the poore of the same towne. Item, I give and bequeath vnto Elizabeth, my daughter, All the residue of my psonall estate whatsoever herein not before bequeathed. But my will and meaninge is that yf the same residue of my psonall estate shall amount to more than the sume of twelve hundred pounds, that the overplus therefore shalbe equally to be devided amongst all my said three daughters and their respective executors and administrators. Item, I doe constitute, nominate, and appoint Mary, my deare wife, sole executrix of this my last will and testament. In wittnes, that this is my last will and testament, conteined in seaven sheets of paper, I have herevnto every sheete thereof put my hand, and to the last of them my seale, and haue published and declared the same to be my last will and Testament this third day of December, in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seaventy five. HENRY COPINGER.
Signed, sealed, published, and declared,
in the presence of vs:
Mary Copinger. Penelope Browne. Step. Keble.
Tho: Copinger. Mary Morden.
Proved, Bury St. Edmunds, 27 January, 1675.
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