Articles of Agreement indented and made this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and six between Stephen Coppinger of Ballyvolane in the County of the City of Cork Esqr. of the one part and Cornelius O Bryan of Killcur in the barony of Barrymore and county of Cork Gent of the other part as followeth. Whereas there is a marriage agreed upon and soon by Gods grace to be solemnized by and betweene the Cornelius O Bryan and Joane Coppinger one of the sisters of the said Stephen Coppinger wherefore
1. The said Stephen Coppinger doth promise and agree to and with the said Cornelius that the said Stephen will pay and satisfy unto the said Cornelius O Brien as a marriage portion and with the said Joane the sume of three hundred pounds ster payable in such manner and at such time as it is agreed upon by and between the said parties to these presents - - - - - - - -
2. It is granted and agreed between the said parties that the said three hundred pounds portion payable in manner aforesaid shall be layd out for clearing and satisfying such debts and incumbrances as the said Cornelius doth owe in such manner as shall be approved of by the said Stephen Coppinger and by William O Bryan gentleman uncle of the said Cornelius and the remainder as residue of the said portion over and above such debts and incumbrances, the said Cornelius shall have and dispose of to his own use + +
3. In consideration of the said marriage portion the said Cornelius O Bryan for his executrs and administrs doth grant and covenant to and with the said Stephen Coppinger his executrs and administrs that if the said Joane shall survive the said Cornelius she shall and may have yearly during her naturall life the sum of forty pounds ster as a maintenance and joynture to be paid her by equal moyeties on the feasts of All Saints and St. Philips and Jacob yearely the first payment thereof to begin and be made on such of the said feasts as shall happen next after the death of the said Cornelius And accordingly the said Cornelius for him his heirs executrs administrs and assigns doth grant and confirm unto the said Stephen his executrs and administrs in trust for the said Joane Coppinger one annuity or rentcharge of forty pounds ster per annum to be issuing and accruing and to be had taken and received of and out of the towne and lands of Killcur containing two plowlands situate in the barony of Barrymore and County of Cork To hold Take and Receive the said annuity or rentcharge unto and by the [said] Stephen his executrs and administrs in trust for the said Joane for ninety and nine yeares if she so long live to commence from and immediately after the death of the said Cornelius and to be paid by equal moyeties on the feasts of All Saints and St. Philip and Jacob the first payment to be made on which of the said feasts shall happen next after the death of the said Cornelius And for the said annuity or rentcharge the said Stephen his executrs and administrs shall and may distrain in and upon the said land And that the said Cornelius shall and will on the request and costs of the said Stephen do and execute such further and other acts and securities by deed, Bond with judgement Statute Staple or otherwise for securing the said forty pounds per annum upon and out of the said lands in manner as by the said Stephen his executrs or administrs or his or other counsel learned in the law shall be devised or required
4. It is further covenanted and agreed by and between the said parties and the said Cornelius for him his heirs executrs and administrs doth grant and covenant with the said Stephen his executrs and administrs that the said Cornelius on the request of the said Stephen shall and will at any time and from time to time hereafter by good conveyance secure and settle ancient and ould state and lands and tenements of his ancestors in such manner as that the same (if to the said Cornelius restored) shall and may come and remaine from and after his death to the heir male of his body to be begotten on the said Joane And in default of such issue provision to be made there for portions and maintenance of the daughters of the said Cornelius by the said Joane if any such be And likewise a likewise a reasonable and competent jointure to be thereout to and for the said Joane And likewise that the said Cornelius shall and will on the like request settle and secure the said ffarme of two plowlands of Killcur in such manner and upon such trusts as that the ifsue male of the body of the said Cornelius on the body of the said Joane shall and may have and enjoy the same from and after the death of the said Cornelius for and during the residue and remainder of the terme of one hundred ninety and nine yeares that shall be there to come and unexpired of the said terme that the said Cornelius hath of and in the said lands and ffarmes subject nevertheless to the said forty pounds per annum made herein and hereby payable In trust for the said Joane In witness whereof this parties first above named have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Con. O Bryne (his seal)
I the underwritten Cornelius O Bryan of Killcur doe hereby acknowledge to have received from Stephen Coppinger of Ballyvolane Esqr party to the written Article the sume of three hundred pounds sterling being in full satisfaction of the marriage portion mentioned in the within articles Whereof I do hereby fully discharge sd Stephen Coppinger his heirs excrs and admons as witnefs my hand this 11th November 1707.
declared and signed in prescence of us: and when the words (marriage portion mentioned in the) were interlined between the third and fourth line Willm O Brien Jon Coppinger Richd Creagh
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