This Indenture tripartieth made the second day of December, one thousand six hundred and thirty-foure, and in the 10 yeare of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles of England, Scotland, ffrance, and Ireland. Between Dermond O'Mahonie of Skeighenore, in the countie of Corke, gentleman, as the one parte, and Sir Walter Coppinger, Knight, and Thomas Coppinger of Rinecowlisky, in the countie aforesaid. Whereas the said Sir Walter Coppinger, Knight, and Thomas Coppinger, gentleman, this last Michaelmas Terme 1634, acknowledged a ffyne unto Dermond O'Mahownie of two hundred messuages, two hundred accres of ground, one thousand and two hundred accres of meddow, one thousand two hundred accres of Pasture, one thousand accres of Bogge, and one thousand accres of Heath and ffurse, with the ------- Castle negeahie; Celaise Tarrise, Glanogule, Culene-Geagh, Cule Crahyne, Ballyhnolloghane, Dromnea, Rossekearagh and Glambeghy. Now this Indenture triparteth witnesseth that the true intent and meaninge of the said ------- is and soe it was agreed and concluded betweene all the said parties unto the said ffyne. And the said Dermod O'Mahownie doth by these presents declare and graunt that the use and uses of all the said lands and premises in the ffyne mentioned shall bee to such use and uses as are herein lymitted and hereby declared and expressed and none other use or Intent whatsoever (that is to say) to the use of the said Thomas Coppinger dureing his naturall life, and after his decease to the use and behoofe of the heires males of the body of the said Thomas Coppinger lawfully begotten or to be begotten successively, And in case it shall please God that Alson, the now wife of the said Thomas, shall survive him then to the use of his said wife wife dureing her naturall life for the payment of fiftie pounds sterling per annum to bee paid her out of the rents and proffitts of the said lands, And if it shall happen that the said Thomas shall die without issue male of his body, then to the use and behoofe of the heires females of the body of the said Thomas, begotten or to bee begotten. In this manner (that is to say) to the use of the eldest daughter, the said eldest daughter then liveing lawfully begotten or to be begotten by the said Thomas, shall raise out of the proffitts thereof towards her perferment in marriadge the sume of £300 sterling current money of and in England. And afterwards to the second daughter then living, lawfully begotten or to be begotten by the said Thomas, untill shee shall raise or bee paid out of the rents and proffitts of the said lands the sume of -- hundred pounds sterling current money of and in England, and after to the use of every other daughter then liveing, lawfully begotten or to bee begotten by the said Thomas untill they shall in order be well and truely satisfied and paid out of the rents and proffitts of the said Lands the sume of one hundred pounds sterling a peece. And after the said severall portions of the said Thomas his daughters bee well and truely satisfied and paid out of the rents and proffitts of the said Lands and the reservacon to his wife as is formerly declared and not otherwise, Then to the use and behoofe of the eldest sonne of the said Sir Walter Coppinger called Dominick Coppinger and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten or to bee begotten successively, and for want of such isssue to the use of James Coppinger, second sonne of the said Sir Walter Coppinger and the heires males of the body of the said James, lawfully begotten or to bee begotten, and for want of such issue to the use and behoofe of Walter Coppinger, fourth sonne of the said Sir Walter Coppinger and the heires males of the body of the said Walter lawfully begotten or to bee begotten, and for want of such issue male to the use and behoofe of Thomas Coppinger, eldest sonne of William Coppinger, one of the brothers of the said Sir Walter Coppinger and the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of such issue male to the use of Robert Coppinger, second sonne to the said William Coppinger and the heires males of the body of the said Robert lawfully begotten or to bee begotten, And for want of such issue to the use and behoofe of Richard Coppinger another brother of the said Sir Walter Coppinger, and the heires males of the body of the said Richard lawfully begotten or to bee begotten, and for want of such issue To the use and behoofe of the rightfull heires of the said Sir Walter Coppinger for ever. And the said Dermond O'Mahownie doth by these presents graunt and render backe all the said Lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the said ffyne conteyned from whome the estate and right is the said Lands and premises by the said ffyne did legally passe in point of estate and interest. The said Sir William (sic.) Coppinger, Joyneing in the said ffyne onely for conformities and his heires to the uses and intents herein declared, And the said Dermond O'Mahownie for himselfe and his heires doth by these presents release, remise, quite, clayme unto the said Thomas Coppinger and his heires, all his rights, title, estate, and interest unto all or any of the said Lands, tenements, or hereditaments in the said ffyne mentioned. And doth by these presents for himselfe and his heires release and quite Clayme unto Sir Walter Coppinger and the said Thomas Coppinger and their heires all claymes, title, actions, or demands which he the said Dermod or his heires have or may have to the said Lands and premises and every parte thereof for ever by the said ffyne leveyed and acknowledged as aforesaid. In Witness whereof the said Dermond O'Mahownie hath to one parte of this Indenture remayneing with the said Thomas Coppinger put his hand and seale, And the said Dermond and Thomas to an other parte remayneing with the said Sir Walter have put their hands and seales and the said Sir Walter Coppinger, Knight, and Thomas Coppinger to the other parte remayneing with the said Dermond O'Mahownie have put their hands and seales the day and yeare aforesaid.
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