Conveyance Walter Copinger to Dominick Copinger, 1679.


To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come.  I, Walter Coppinger, of Rincoolisky, in ye Countie of Corke, Esquire, send greeting in the Lord God everlasting. Whereas I, the said Walter Coppinger, for and in consideracon of the sume of foure hundred and fiftie pound ster. currant money of England by me receiued from Michael Gould, of the Cittie of Corke, late esquire deceased, hath conveyed, graunted, and made over vnto the said Michael Gould, his heires, and assignes by seuerall deeds, fine, and recouery the Townes and lands of Glanegaule and Killunton, in ye Countie of Corke, vpon condicon of redempcon by the repayment of the said sume of four hundred and fiftie pounds sterl. vnto the said Michael Gould deceased, his heires and assignes as by the said seuerall deeds, fine, and recouery, recourse being therevnto had may more at large appeare.  Now Knowyee that I, the said Walter Coppinger, for seuerall good causes and consideracons me moueing, and in order to preserue kepe and maintaine the aforesaid townes and lands and the issues and profitts thereof in my posteritie, blood, and name, and specially for and in consideracon of the sume of fiftie pounds ster. currant money of England to me in hand paid by Dominicke Coppinger,  of Rincoolisky aforesaid, gent., sonn and heire vnto me the said Walter Coppinger, the receite whereof I doe hereby acknowledge and confess haue granted, bargained, and sold, assigned, transfered, made ouer as by these presents I doe grant, bargaine, and sell, assigne, transfer, make ouer, and confirm vnto the said Dominicke Coppinger and his heires the afforesaid condicon and power of redempcon of Glannegaule and Killunton in and by the afforesaid seuerall deeds, fine, and recouery vnto me the said Walter Coppinger reserued togeather, alsoe with all and singular such right, title, and title of entry, estate, interest, use, profitt, remainder, and demaund which I, the said Walter Coppinger, either in law or equitie, now haue or hath or which at any time hereafter I, the said Walter Coppinger, ought to haue or pd of in or to the afforesaid lands and premises, or of in or to the afforesaid lands and premises, or of in or to any parte or parcell of the same, or of in or to the afforesaid condicon and power of redempcon reserued in and by the afforesaid seurall deeds, fine, and recouery, or by any or either of them and the full benefit and aduantadge of euery clause, article, couenant, forfeiture, and agreement in the said seueral deeds, fine, and recouery and in euery and either of them vnto the said Walter Coppinger reserued.  To haue and to hold the said condicon and power of redempcon with all such deeds, euidences, and escripts that belongs or relate vnto the said lands and premises and all such right, title, interest, use, profitts, reuersion, remainder, and demaund which I, the said Walter Coppinger, now haue or hath of in or to the said lands and premisses or the said power and condicon of redempcon thereof either in law or equitie, or which at any time hereafter might issue, accrue, or come vnto me the said Walter Coppinger out of ye said lands and premises by virtue of ye aforesaid seuerall deeds, fine, and recouery or either of them or by virtue of any clause, consent, reseracon, or agreement in them or either of them contained or by uertue of any other or former right, title, estate, interest, reuersion, or remainder that came and descended vnto me the said Walter Coppinger from any of my ancestors at any time heretofore vnto the said Dominicke Coppinger and his heires for euer; soe as I, the said Walter Coppinger, from the perfection of the premises shall not clayme, p'tend, or demaund to any right, title, estate, interest, profitt, reuersion, remainder, condicon, or power of redempcon dependent or expectant arraising or accreuing on or out of ye said lands and premises or ye afforesaid condicon or power of redempcon but such as shall be to and for ye use and behoofe of the said Dominicke Coppinger.  And in order that the said Dominicke Coppinger may be qualified to redeeme and disincumber the afforesaid lands and premisses from ye afforesaid mortgadge I, the said Walter Coppinger, for me in my name, place, and stead haue deputed, ordained, and in  .  .  .  as by these present as I doe ordaine, depute, name, and put in my place and steade the said Dominicke Coppinger, my true and lawfull attorney for to pay and satisfie the said sume of four hundred pounds and vpon .  .  .  .  .  of the afforesaid seuerall deeds, fine, and recouery, and after payment thereof into and vpon the said lands and premisses in my name but to his owne use to re-enter and the same to hold and enjoy as his absolute estate without any condition of redempcon  And for the more speedier and surer recouery of the said premisses I doe likewise by these presents empower and authorize the said Dominicke Coppinger in my name to sue and implead ye partie or parties in possession, and therevpon perceive and take of the rents, issues, and profits of the same by such waij or meanes as by his counsell learned in the law shall be reasonably deuised, aduised, or required I hereby ratifieing, confirming, and approueing as my act and deed all such thing or things as shall be doun or caused to be doun by the said Dominicke Coppinger, I hereby couenanting and p'miseing to and with the said Dominicke and his heires that I, the said Walter Coppinger at any time whatsoeuer  .  .  .  .  .  or abate any suite or suites, action or actions, ejectment or ejectments soe or any other sorte to be brought or comenced by the said Dominicke Coppinger in my name for the recourij of the premises,  And that I, the said Walter Coppinger, shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at ye reasonable request and at ye costs and charges in ye law of the said Dominicke Coppinger make, doe, leuie, suffer, acknowledge, execute, and perfect or cause to be made, doun, leuied, suffered, acknowledged, executed. and perfected all and euerij such further or other legall act and acts, thing and things, conueyances and assurances in the law whatsoeuer for the conueij and assuring of the said premisses vnto the said Dominicke as by his Councell learned in the law shall be reasonably deuised and aduised be it by matter in fact or of record.  And the said premisses in the said condicon and power of redempcon shall warrant and do and vnto the said Dominicke Coppinger against all manner of persons claymeing or to clayme by, from, or vnder me at and vnder ye said payment of £450 as in and by the said seuerall deeds maij appear for the p'formance of all these matters and things I, the said Walter Coppinger, doe binde my selfe in the sume of four hundred pounds sterling vnto the said Dominicke Coppinger vpon condicon vnder the losse that the said Dominicke Coppinger shall not dispose by any act whatsoeuer of the afforesaid premisses and condicon or power of redempcon neither before nor after the redempcon of the said premisses from himselfe and the heires males of his body, nor comit or doe any thing or act yt might hinder or debarr ye same from comeing to them.  Wtnesse my hand and seale this first day of September, An. Dom. 1679.


Being p'sent
Patrick Roche
John Martell.




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