Deed Indented of the 30th day of April, 1624, of John Coppinger, of the Cittie of Corck, Alderman. Reciting that Sir John Fitz Gerald, of Cloine, in the Countie of Corck, knight, by his deede of feoffment and assignment duely perfected had granted vnto the said John Coppinger, all and singular the lands and tenementes of Drishanebegg, conteyning one plowghland with the apte'nes and one other plowgh land in the towne filde and landes of Gorteyvthy, with the appurtenances scituated lieng and being in Muskry, in the Countie of Cork, to hold the same vnto the sd John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, in mortgadge of fowere score poundes sterling currante money of England, and also for tearme of one yeare next after ensving the said mortgadge should be fullie ended and expired, as by the said deede bearing date the thirtine day of October, 1619, more at lardge appeared. And reciting that the said John Fitz Gerald, knight, by his deed of feoffement and assignment had graunted vnto the said John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, all and singular the castell and town of Kylevyvy, with halfe a plowgheland therevnto belonging and next adioyng, scituated within the barrony of aforesaid in the Countie of Corck aforesaid, and lien and being in Kiericurrihie in the Countie of Corck aforesaid, and then in the Countie of the Cittie of Corck, To hold the same vnto the sd John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, in mortgadge of fortie poundes sterling currante money of England, and also for tearme of one yeare next after the payment of the said mortgadge, as by the same deede of feoffment bearing date the eightnie day of ffebruarie Anno Dom. 1619, more at large appeared.
And Reciting that Pheyllym McTeighe Cartie, of Drishanebegg, in the countie of Corck, gent., by his deed of feoffment duely perfected, had graunted vnto the sd John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, all and singular the landes, tenements, and hereditaments of Garran J Karny and Coome Cowgkane, conteyning one plowghelande of lardge Irish measure, whether it be more or lesse, scituated and lieng and being within the said Barrony of Muskry, in the said countie of Corck, To hold the same vnto John Coppinger his heires and assignes, in mortgadge of three score and tenn poundes sterling currant money of England, and also for tearme of one yeare next after and ensving the said mortgadge paidd as by the said deede of feoffment bearing date the eight day of Maii, 1620, more at large appeared.
And Reciting that Callighane McTeige McOwen Cartie, of Cownenygyllagh, in the Countie of Corck, gent., by his deed of feoffment had graunted unto the said John Coppinger, all and singular the lands, tenements, and hereditaments of Cownenygyllaghe, conteyning halfe the plowgheland, be it more or less, scituated and lieng and being in the Barrony of Muskry aforesaid, in the said countie of Corck, to hold the same vnto the said John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, in mortgadge of sixtine poundes sterling currant money of England, and also for tearme of one yeare from Allhallowentide from next after and ensving the payment of the said mortgadge, as by the said deede of feoffment bearing date the sixt daie of January anno dom 1617, more at lardge appeaed.
And Reciting that Cormock McCallighane Cartie, of Carrignymurk, in the countie of Corck, gent., by his deede of feoffment duely perfected according to lawe, had graunted vnto the said John Coppinger all and singular the lands, tenements, and hereditaments of Dyrryne, conteyning halfe a plowgheland, and Clomtrade, conteyning halfe a plowgheland, scituated and lieing and being within the said Barrony of Muskry and Countie aforsaid, to hold the same vnto the said John Coppinger, his heires and assignes in mortgadge of three score poundes sterling currant money of England, and also for tearme of one year from Allhallowentyde next after and ensving the said mortgadge paied as by the said deede bearing date the fowerth of October, 1622, more at large appeared.
And Reciting that also the said Cormock McCallighane Cartie, by his deede of feoffment had graunted vnto the said John Coppinger, all and singular the landes, tenements and hereditaments of Knorkegully Roe, conteyning halfe a plowghelande, scituated and lieng and being in the said Barrony of Muskry and Countie, to hold the same vnto the said John Coppinger, his heires and assignes, in mortgadge of thirtie poundes sterling currant money of England, and also for tearme of one year next after ensving the said mortgadge, paied and satisfied as by the said deed of feoffment bearing date the second daie of August, 1614, more at lardge appeared. Witness that the said John Coppinger "for the ffatherlie love and affection which he bore towardes Thomas Coppinger his sonn, and for the naturall care and desire he had to advance and prefer the said Thomas Coppinger, and for many other good and reasonable causes and consideracions him movinge," granted unto David Roche Fitz Richard of Kinsale, gent., and Dominick Roche Fitz Richard of the same, gent., "All and singular the landes, tenements, townes, villages, castell, and hereditaments before expressed and mencioned with the appurts. And also the messuadge, tenemente, and howses in the parish of Christes Churche within the said Cittie and Countie of the said Cittie, wherein Dominick Corbally and Richard Bernaghe nowe dwelleth, which messuadge, tenement, or howses extendeth in lenght from Kinges Streete on the weast to Kinges walles of the said Cittie on the easte, and in breadth from the principall messuadge of the said John Coppinger on the sowth to the said John's landes some time in the possession of John Verdon deceased and John Browne on the northe," with the appurtenances, To Hold the said hereditaments aforsaid soe mortgadged, until the said mortgadges contained in the said severall deedes should be paied and the said severall tearme of years aforsaid fully ended and expired, and also the said messuadge, tenement, and howses aforsaid before expressed, with all the taverne, shoppes, sellers, and appurtenances therevnto belonging vnto David Rock and Dominick Roche, theire heires and assignes, and the survivor of them his heires and assignes to the sole and proper vses, behowfes, and entencions therevnder written, expressed, ment putt downe, and lymitted in all respects.
The intent of the above feoffment being declared to be in favor of Thomas Coppinger "above expressed an mencioned" for life, with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to Dominick Coppinger for life, with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to James Coppinger for life, with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to Edward Copinger and his heirs male, with remainder to William Coppinger for life, with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to the heirs male of the said John Coppinger the feoffor, begotten and to be begotten on the body of Katharine Coppinger als Katherine Roche his wife, with remainder to the heirs male of the said heirs male, with remainder to John Coppinger the younger, eldest son of the said John Coppinger the feoffor and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Robert Coppinger Fitz Dominick and his heirs male, with remainder to Walter Coppinger Fitz James Esqre and his heirs male, with an ultimate remainder to the said Dominick Coppinger "before mencioned," his rightfull heires for ever
The witnesses were -
Francis Roche
Thomas Golde
Morris Goulde.
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