To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come. John Coppinger of the Cittie of Cork, Alderman, sendeth greeting in the Lord God Almighty.
Whereas Dominick Roche Fitz William of the cittie of Cork, Alderman, Edmund Martell of the same, marchaunte, and Robert Myaghe of Cork aforesaid, marchaunte, by theire deede of feoffement duely perfected accordinge to lawe have geaven, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes, all and singular the messuage or tenemente now in the occupacion of Katharine Mansell wydowe and Edward Skyddy, with the appurtenances and all the chambers, sellers, and roomes in the severall tenures and possessions of Harelit, John Gold Fitz James, John Ballyer, Edmund Murffie, and Eleane Arthoure, parcell of the colledge of Christes churche within the cittie of Cork aforesaid and countie of the said cittie, to have and to hold the premisses with the appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger my heirs and assigns in mortgadge of fyftie pounds sterling currante money of England as by the said deede of feoffemente bearinge date the 24th day of May, 1618, more at large appeareth.
And whereas also the said Dominick Roche, Alderman, by his deede of feoffemente, hath geaven, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger, all and singular the Townes, villages, lands, tenementes, and hereditamentes of Grandes alias Gransaght conteyninge one ploughelande with the appurtenances scituated and lieng and beinge within the Barrony of Kiricurrichy in the Countie of Cork and nowe in the Countie of the Cittie of Cork. And one messuadge within the said Cittie of Cork, extendinge in lenght from the Kinges streete on the weaste to the said Dominicke Roche's principal stonehouse on the easte, and in the breathe betwixt the said Dominick's landes on the northe and sowthe, To have and to hold the premisses with the appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes in mortgadge of three score poundes sterlinge currante money of England, as by the same deede bearinge date the 5th of December, 1608, more at large appeareth.
And whereas Richard Nugent of Kylemichell, in the said Countie of Cork, and Thomas Nugent of the same, gent., sone to the said Richard by their deede of feoffement indented hath geaven, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger, the one halfe or moitie of Kylemichell aforesaid conteyninge one plowghelande scituated and lieng and beinge in Kiricurrichy aforesaid in the said Countie of Cork, to haue and to hold the premises with the appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes in mortgadge of fyvetine poundes stirlinge currant money of England as by the same deede bearinge date the 6th of December, 1614, more at large may and doth appear.
And whereas David Gallwey fitz Geordge of Cork, marchaunte, by his deede of feoffemente and assignment hath geaven, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger the third parte of all the landes and tenements of Kyle J Cror within the said Barrony of Kiricurrichy and countie aforsaid, To haue and to hold the premises with appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes in mortgadge of eight poundes sterlinge currante money of England, as by the said deede more at large may apeare.
And whereas Edmond Tyrry of the Cittie of Cork, alderman, and Dominick Tyrry of the same, alderman, sone and heyre apparant to the said Edmond by there deede of feoffemente duely perfected accordinge to lawe hath given, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger all and singular the Taverne and sellers vnderneath the said Edmond Tyrry's dwellinge howse within the said Cittie of Cork and countie of the said Cittie, To haue and to hold the premisses with the appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger my heires and assignes in mortgadge of fyftie poundes sterlinge currante money of England as by the said deede of feoffemente bearinge date the last day of September, 1619, more at large apeareth.
And whereas Edmond Tyrry, Maior of the Cittie of Cork, William Tyrry and Michell Galewey, 2 bailliffes of the same cittie and the commaltie of the said cittie hath given, graunted, bargayned, and sold enfeoffed and confirmed vnto me the said John Coppinger, Geordge gold, Alderman, Edmond Moroghe, and David Tyrry fitz Stephen, all and singular the fishinge poolles and fishinge places of bothe the northe and sowthe river of the said Cittie called the Kinges powles, with the appurtenances, To haue and to hold the premisses with the appurtenances vnto me the said John Coppinger, Geordge gold, Edmond Moroghe, and David Tyrry, our heires and assignes in comen and not jointe in mortgadge of towe hundreth poundes sterlinge currante money of England as by the same deede bearinge date the 11th of October, 1608, more at lardge appeareth. Now Know ye that said John Coppinger in consideracion of the fatherlie love and affection which I beare towarde James Coppinger my sonne, and for the naturall care and desire I haue to advance and prefer the said James and for many other good and reasonable causes and consideracions me movinge have geaven, graunted, enfeoffed and confirmed and by this my deede of feoffment indented I doe geave, graunt, enfeoffe and confirme and clearely and absolutlye assigne over vnto David Roche fitz Richard of Kinsale, gent., and Dominick Roche fitz Richard of the same, gent., all and singular the said Townes, villages, messuages, landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes before expressed and mencioned with there appurtenances. And also all and singular the lands, tenements, and hereditamentes called or knowen by the name of Ballynlosky conteyninge one plowghelande[2] with the appurtenances whether it be more or lesse in the parishe of Teample Brydy within the Barrony of Kericurrihy[3] in the said Countie of Cork. And as well the messuages or tenementes in the parishe of Christes Churche within the Cittie of Cork aforesaid and countie of the said Cittie, conteyinge nyne bayes or cowples and halfe extendinge in lenght from Patrick Whyte's landes on the easte to the said Patrick's backsyde on the weast, and in breathe from the said Patricke Whytes messuadge on the northe to Patrick Sarsfeld and William Sersfelds lands on the sowthe, and also the reversion and reversions of all and singular the premisses, To have and to hold all and singular the said townes, villages, messuages, lands, tenementes, and hereditamentes before expressed and mencioned so mortgadged vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes in manner and forme aforsaid with there appurtenances, together with all the originall deedes of feoffementes and conveiances made and perfected touchinge and concerninge the said severall mortgadges in as ample, lardge, and beneficiall manner, and to all intentes, purposes, and constructions as the premises and every parte and parcell thereof was and is made over and graunted vnto me the said John Coppinger, my heires and assignes vntill the said mortgadges contained in the said severall deedes of feoffementes aforsaid shalbe well and truely paied and satisfied, and also all the said lands, tenementes, and hereditamentes of Ballynlosky aforsaid with the appurtenances, and the said messuadge tenemente conteyninge nyne bayes and halfe as aforsaid with the appurtenances vnto the said David Roche and Dominick Roche there heires and assignes and the survivor of them his heires and assignes to the onely and proper uses, behowfes, and entencions herevnder written, expressed, ment, put downe, and lymitted in all respectes, To be holden of the cheefe lorde of the fee by the rentes and services of right due and accustomed.
[The Usual Covenants]
Dated the three and twentieth of October Anno Dom. 1623.
The onely intent purporte true meaninge and onely consideracion of the makinge and perfectinge of the above deede of feoffement was and now is and at the tyme of the makinge, sealinge, and perfectinge thereof is and for ever shalbe in manner and forme followinge, that is to say: that the said feoffees David Roche and Dominick Roche above mencioned there heires and assignes and the survivor of them his heires and assignes shall stand and be actually seised of all and singular the said townes, villages, messuages, landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes, with there appurtenances contayned and mencioned in the above written deede and of every parte and parcell thereof to the sole and proper use and behowfe of James Coppinger above mencioned for and duringe his naturall life and after his death to the use and behowf of the heires males of the boddy of the said James lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for lack of suche issue male to the use and behowfe of Dominick Coppinger, sone to me the said John Coppinger the feoffor for and duringe his naturall life and after his decease to the use and behowfe of the heires males of the boddy of the said Dominick Coppinger lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for want of such heires males to the use and behoof of Thomas Coppinger, sone to me the said feoffor, for and duringe his lyfe, and after his deathe to the use and behowfe of the heires males of the boddy of the said Thomas lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for lack of suche issue male to the use and behowfe of Edmond Coppinger, son to me the said John Coppinger the feoffor, and to the use and behowfeof the heires males of the boddy of the said Edmond lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for wante of suche heires males to the use, behowfe, and commoditie of William Coppinger, sone to me the said John Coppinger the feoffor, for and duringe his life, and after his deathe to the use and behowf of the heires males of the boddy of the said William Coppinger lawfully begotten, and for default of suche issue male then to the vse and behowfe of the heires males of the body of my the said John Coppinger the feoffor, begotten and to be begotten upon the boddy of Katherin Coppinger alias Kathran Roche my wyfe and to the use and behowfe of the heires males of the said heires males lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for want of such issue male then to the use and behowfe of John Coppinger the younger, eldest sone to me the said John the feoffor, and to the use and behowfe of the heires males of the said John the younger lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for lack of suche issue male to the use and behowfe of Robert Coppinger Fitz Dominick, and to the use and behowfe of the heires males of his boddy lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for default of such heires males then to the use and behowfe of Walter Coppinger Fitz James Esquire, and the heires males of his boddy lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for want of suche issue male then to the use and behowfe of the said Dominick Coppinger and his rightful heires for ever.
[Here follows a provision to operate in the event of the mortgages being paid off.]
Attested by -
Thomas Golde
Morris Goulde.
[2] A plowland is the same as a hide, or a cartun. It is sixty acres. Eger. MSS., 76.
[3] Kerricurihy (Ciarraighe‑Cuirche), twelve miles long by six broad, contains Passage, Monkstown, and Crosshaven. In an Indenture between the Queen's Commissioners and the freeholders and tenants of the barony of Kyrechwrrye, 20 Sept., 1592, appear the names of John Coppinger, William Coppinger, and Robert Coppinger.
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