Deed Indented the 3rd March, 1622, of John Coppinger of the Cittie of Cork, Alderman, whereby in consideracion of the coniugall affection and husbandlike love which he bore towards Katharine Coppinger alias Katharine Roche his wyfe, in respecte of her kynde vsadge and in respect of her virtuous, modest, and honest wyfely behaviour towardes him and for and in consideracion of the paternall affection and fatherly love which he bore towardes Dominick Coppinger, son to him the said John and Katharine and Dominick Coppinger, and for many other good causes and consideracions him movinge this John Coppinger granted unto David Roch Fitz Richard of Kinsale, gent., and Dominick Roch Fitz Richard of the same, gent., "All and singular those townes and messuages, tenementes, and howses in the parish of Chrytes Churche within the said Cittie of Cork and Countie of the said Cittie, with all the tavernes, shoppes, sellers, rooms, backsydes, gardeynes, parcells, members hereditamentes, and all other appurtenances to the said towe messuages, tenementes, and howses belonginge and apertaynynge as the said towe messuages, tenementes, and howses, with all the edifices and buildinges thereon and thereupon made and erected, are severally meared and bounded within the said citie of Cork and countie thereof, of which towe messuages, one messuage, tenemente, and howse is situated and lieth in lenght from the Kinges Streete on the easte to the Kinges walles of the said cittie weaste and in breathe from Edmond Martell's principall messuadge on the sowthe to John Golde Fitz Patricke's messuadge on the northe, and the other messuadge is situated and lieth in lenght from the Kinge's said Streete on the weaste to Thomas O'Dromy Bowthers landes on the easte and in breathe from the messuadge of Robert Verdon Fitz John, and nowe in the possession of Elice Gallwey, wydowe, on the northe, to me the said John Coppinger's messuadge wherein now dwelleth Dominick Corbally on the sowthe. And also all that corne myll called the myll of Farran J. Dahyddorry and all the arrable lande, meadows, moores, pastures in Farran J. Dahyddorry aforesaid, and classedwffe next adioninge to the said myll and now in possession of Sir Parrlane Knyght for terme of sixtame yeares yet vnexpired, and as well one gardeyne in the occupacion of Donoghe McDonnell and Teighe McDonnell of Cork aforesaid, smythes and one other gardeyne thereunto next adioninge of the weaste syde of the same gardeyne in the occupacion of Donnell McShane, all which are situated and lieng and being within the franchises and liberties of the said citie of Cork and countie of the said citie. And as well all and singular the landes and tenementes called Croskynykally als Collaghes Crofte and Spisures Crofte als Parke J. - thereunto next adioninge within the franchises and liberties of Cork aforesaid. And likewise all the castells, townes, villages, hamletes, landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes of and in Crosshaven, Knockmorryhyrtaghe, and Kyllecolly conteyninge one plowghelande and fortie acres of lande, be it more or lesse with all and singular the rentes, issues, profittes, comodities and aptenances thereunto belonginge and appurtayninge, scituated and lieng and beinge within the barrony of Knururvhye in the Countie of Cork," with the appurtenances. To hold the same unto the said David Roche and Dominick Roche, their heires and assignes and the survivor of them his heires and assignes to the onely sole and proper uses, behowfes, and intencions thereunto written, declared, and expressed, ment, putt downe, and limitted in all respectes to be holden of the chiefe lord of the fee by the rentes and services of right due accustomed. [Appointment of Robert Coppinger Fitz Dominick of Cork aforesaid, Merchant, and others as attornies for perfecting same.] Dated the 3rd of March, 1622
The Intent under declared being in favour of Dominick Coppinger for life with remainder to his heires male with remainder to the use of James Coppinger, son of the said John the feoffor, for life, with remainder to his heires male, with remainder to the use of Thomas Coppinger, son of the said John Coppinger the feoffor, for life, with remainder to his heires male, with remainder to Edmond Coppinger, son of the said John the feoffor, for life, with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to Robert Coppinger, son of the said John Coppinger the feoffor, for life with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to William Coppinger, son of the said John the said feoffor, for life with remainder to his heirs male, with remainder to the heirs male of the said John Coppinger, the feoffor, upon the body of the said Katharin, and to the heirs male of the said heirs male, with remainder to the use of John Coppinger the younger, eldest son of the said feoffor, and his heirs male with remainder to the use of Robert Coppinger Fitz Dominick and his heirs male, with remainder to the use of Walter Coppinger Fitz James Esqre., and his heirs male, with an ultimate limitation to the rightful heirs of the said Dominick Coppinger above mentioned forever
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