In an Act of Parliament lately made intituled an Act for granting an aid to his Matie by sale of the fforfeited and other estates and interests in Ireland, and by a land tax in England for the several purposes therein mentioned.
The Humble peticon and claime of James Coppinger, of Lisapoole, in the County of Cork, gent.
Sheweth that the claimant's father, Dominick Coppinger, late of Cloghane, in the County of Corke, Esquire, being seized in fee simple of the Townes and lands of Derryhoa Cullonagh, and Sirilane, containing three plowlands and a halfe, Gortnemukelagh and Dromiagh, containing one plowland, all situate and being in the Barony of West Carbery and County of Corke, by his deed indented duely perfected and beareing date the seaventh day of September, Anno Dom. 1685, for and in consideration of the sume of two hundred sixty seaven pounds ster. to him in hand paid by Edward Gallway, late of Skiberreen, in the County aforesaid, merchant, did give, grant and confirme vnto the said Edward Gallway and his heirs for ever, one annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty six pounds ffourteen shillings to be had and received out of the lands, tenements, and hereditaments aforesaid halfe yearly by even and equall moyeties att the annuncon of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangell, or within 21 days after, with a clause of distress for default of payment and other usuall clauses. Provided nevertheless and the said deed of grant is vpon this condicon that if the said Dominick Coppinger, his heires, executors, administrators, or assignes shall and doe pay and cause to be paid and satisfied vnto the said Edward Gallway, his heires or assignes, the just and full sume of £267 ster., att any 25th day of March or 29th day of September, or within 21 days after either of these, together with the halfe yeares rent that shall be due on such ffeast of the said annuity and alsoe such other arreares of the said annuity as shall be due att the time of such payment, and that in one whole and future payment, and if likewise the said Dominick Coppinger, his heires and assignes, shall and doe give sufficient notice vnto the said Edward Gallway, his heires and assignes, by the space of three calendar months before such payment and of his or theire intention to make such payment, that then and ffrom thenceforth after such payment if the said £267 and the said rent and arreare as shall be vnpaid on such time and vpon such notice in such manner and forme as aforesaid, the said annuity or rent charge and all and every part thereof shall cease and determine and the said Deed of grant to be void and of none effect as by a counterpart of the said deed vnder the hand and seale of the said Edward Galwey ready to be produced and witnessed by John Galwey - Murphy and James Galwey may appeare att large by virtue of which grant the said Edward Galwey became seized of the said Rent charge, and that the said Edward Galwey stands indicted and outlawed for high treason by him committed since the 13th day of February, 1688, whereby the said annuity is vested in your Honuorables. That the said grantor dyed in or about the yeare of our Lord God 1688, by whose decease the said lands and the power of redeeming them from the said annuity descended and came to the claimant as eldest son and heire to the said Dominick Coppinger the grantor. That the claimant is ready and willing to come to an account with your honours, and to pay off whatsoever shall appeare to be due on account of the said grant, which matters the claimant is ready to prove. And therefore he claimes the benefit of the said condicon of redempcon and prays that his claime may be accepted and allowed by your honours. And he will ever pray, &c.
Signed by the Claimant
in the presence of vs this
13th day of July, 1700.
Richard ffrench
Phill: holt
Edw: Webber.
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