In the name of God. Amen. The twenty eighth day of May, one thousand six hundred and eighty eight I, Dominick Copinger, of Ringenlliskie, in the Barony of West Carbrey and Countey of Cork, being of sound and good will and memory, all though weake and imfirme in body, doe hereby make, constitute, ordain, and appoint this my last will and testament as followeth.
First, I commend my soul vnto God allmighty confidently hopeing and assuredly beleeving that through the mercy of the meritts of my sauiour Jesus Christ, the prayer, intercession, and conduct of the ever blessed virgin Mary, Saint Michaell the archangle and all the saints and angles of the Eternall courts of heauen, I may obtain saluation and depart in peace and true charity with all the world.
I will and ordaine that my body may be enterred in such decent manner as and where my father and friends shall consider most convenient.
Item - I will, ordaine, and appoint that my father, Walter Copinger, may and shall be gardian and sole ouerseer of my sonne and heire, James Copinger, for and dureing his minority, Item - For and in consideration of about sixtie pounds debt which my said father is mtdged for me I leaue and bequeat vnto him my said father all and singular my cowes, horses, peanted brass beds, bedstead, lenin and all other household stuffe whatsoeuer, allso my sorle horse, sadle, bridle, watch, sword, and pistolls.
Item - I leaue and bequeat vnto him my said father the four Courts of Balltimore, Cloghane, Rillffmin, and Ringenlliskie, with all theire issues, proffits, and dureing my said sonne and heires minority, I being obliged thereto formerly vpon oath before Patrick Roch.
Item - I leaue and bequeat vnto my dear sister Victoria the sume of two hundred pounds ster. towards her preferment.
Item - I constitute, ordaine, and apoint my vnkle Patrick Roch, vnkle John Roch, Bro. John Martell, and Bro. Thomas Copinger, executors of this my last Will and testament.
Item - I leaue and bequeat vnto the Doctor my gray mare at Aleyane, besides the consideration he is to haue which I desire and apoint my wife to pay him. And this and no other I make and ordaine as my last Will and testament as witnesse my hand and seal the day and yeare first aboue written.
Signed, sealed, and deliuered in the presence of --------- Adam Tyvold Patt. Copinger Daniel Riordane. |
And furthermore I, the within named Dominick Copinger, doe hereby will and ordaine that my dear and well beloued father, Walter Copinger, shall haue, receaue, recouer, obtaine, possesse and enjoy all and singular my two Taynes sale boats, Ropes, grapiers, and all other materialls whatsoeuer belonging to my fishing crafft, also all the Bills, bonds, debts, and demands due vnto me from Francis Townesend, Daniell Carthy, Donnogh Mahony, and all other person or persons whatsoeuer, with all the chiefe rents due vnto me or that shall fall due out of my estate dureing my son and heires minority all and singular the said premises to be by him my said father conueyed and disposed off vnto the best use and aduantage of my children as he shall conceaue most expedient. I leaue and bequeat vnto my second sone, Walter Copinger, as a child's portion to be paid him out of my estate the sume of three hundred pounds sterling.
Item - I leaue and bequeat vnto my daughter, Mary Copinger, the sume of fiue hundred pounds ster., to be paid out of the estate, prouided allways if and vpon condicon that she shall not mary or dispose of herselfe without the consent of my father and executors. As wittnesse my hand and seale the day and yeare first within written.
Patt. Copinger Adam Goole. Daniel Reordane. |
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This page was last updated on 21-Mar-2002. |
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