No. 669. The petition of Ed. Dodsworth humbly sheweth that Dominick Copinger, Esquire, and ffrancis Townesend, gent., by theire bond obligatory by them duely perfected and bearing date the 1st day of September, 1686, jointly and severally but for the proper debt of the said Copinger became bound vnto the claimant the sume of £377 ster. condiconed for the payment of £188. 18. ster. att, on, or before the 12th day of the month of September aforesaid, as by the said bond vnder the hands and seales of the said Dominick Copinger and ffrancis Townesend and witnessed by John Kingetts, Thom. Clements, and Abraham Godwin, ready to be produced before your honours doth and may fully appeare. That the claimant obtained severall judgments vpon the said Bond against the sd Copinger and Townesend in his Maties Court of Exchequer in Dublin in hilary Terme in the 2 and 3 yeare of the Raigne of the late King James the second, vpon which judgment the claimant tooke out severall elegitts in nov. tertio Jacobi secundi the one against the said ffrancis Townesend directed to the high Sherriff in the County of Corke, who held an Inquiry therein, whereby severall lands were found to be his estate which in reality were none of his and belonged to other persons, and the other directed alsoe to the high sherriff of the County of Corke aforesaid against the said Dominick Copinger, whereupon he the said high sherriff held an enquiry and the Jury found the lands following did belong to the said Dominick Copinger within the said County of Corke and was thereof seized in ffee att the time of entering the said Judgment against him (viz.) Cloghan three plowlands and the lands of Gneeve and Grisanill and Turkeingmill with the appurtenances in the county aforesaid of the yearly vallue above reprized of fforty pounds per annum, and alsoe of the lands of Baltimore containeing two plowlands and halfe a plowland value fforty pounds per annum above reprized, and the Towne and lands of Heare Island vallue Twenty pounds per annum above reprizes and a chieftery of ffour pounds per annum issueing out of the six plowlands of Banaghilly in the county aforesaid, one moyety of which rents was seized vpon by Nicholas Browne, Esquire, the high sherriffe of the said county according to the tenor and exigency of the said writt of Elegitt, which last recited Elegitt and Inquisicon were produced before and found by a Jury vpon an Inquisicon of office held of the estate of Edward Galloway att Cork the 15th day of August, 1694, before Richard Zaurhy, [?Sankey] Esq., then Escheator of the Provence of Munster as by the said Elegitt, Inquisicon, and Indorsement therein ready to be produced before your honours may appeare. That the claimant paid the severall ffees in the annexed account sett forth and received noe more of his said debt or interest or cost than what appeares in the annexed account to which the claimant referrs as to part of his claime, soe that as the claimant is advised and humbly conceives there is due to him vpon the said estate which is now vested in your honours by the said Act of Parliament the sume of £180 : 3 : 6 1/2 ster., the said Galloway who purchased the same after the said Judgment being indicted and outlawed for high treason by him comitted since the 13th of ffebruary, An. Dom. 1688. The claimant further sheweth that soone after the surrender of Corke the said lands were seized into his Maties hands soe that the claimant could not continue the possession of them but received the severall sumes in the annexed account mencioned, to be received by him from the collector of Skibereene by order from the commissioners of his Maties Revenue of this Kingdom, all which matters the claimant is ready to averr and prove as your honours will order, and therefore he claimes the said debt and ballance due thereof and humbly prays that his claime be allowed by your honours soe as that he may receive the remainder of his said debt out of the said fforfeited estate. And he will pray, &c.
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